Chapter 19

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Inko was still upset about us moving in school dorms so she had a long talk with me and Izuku. After that I had to go out and shop for a few things.

The money I had wasn't mine. It was Inkos. She gave money to me and she called it pocket money. I had never heard of such a thing.

I was thinking of how I would want to decorate my new room in dorms. I had drawings but most of them wasn't for others to see. Right at that moment Izuku went by my room.

"Izuku?" I almost yelled hoping he would come back.

"Yes, Mari?" Izuku asked popping his head in my door frame.

"Would you want to accompany me? I want to go shopping for my new dorms room." I asked.

"Really? I would love that."

"Great! Go get ready." I said and Izuku went to his room. 

'This will be great. I haven't spent any time with him. It has never been the two of us alone.' I thought and heard a knock. I looked and saw Izuku.

"Ready?" He asked.

"You bet! Let's go."

"Mom, we'll be going shopping. You need anything?" Izuku yelled.

"Be careful, okay?" Inko said poking her head from the kitchen.

"We will. Don't worry Inko. So do you need anything while we're out?" I asked.

"No, thank you for asking, Mari." Inko said.

Time skip to mall 

"So what do you need to buy?" Izuku asked.

"I'm not sure. I thought of walking around and hoping to find something. I actually had a thought but I'm not sure if I should to that." I said.

"What is it? Maybe I can help you decide."

"Oh, okay. I was thinking to get a string full of small lights. They looked like stars. I once saw them outside of my window before escaping." I said with a sad tone at the end. 

"You probably mean fairy lights."

"Probably. Where can we find them?"

"I'm not sure. We can just walk around and look for them. Do you need anything else?" Izuku asked.

"Well... What I had in mind was something like this." I said and showed Izu this pic.

" I said and showed Izu this pic

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"Oh WOW! That looks amazing. So we still need carpets, a chair, picture frames, a table and chair to study, that bookshelf thing and a mirror if I'm correct."

"Yeah. About right. I'm not sure if I need frames. I wasn't thinking of framing my drawings." I said.

"Your drawings? Why haven't I ever seen you draw?"

"Well... I sometimes draw before going to bed, just to get things off my mind but enough about that. Can I even afford all that? I don't want to spend all of this money."

"Hmm... I think I know some cheaper stores where we could try and look." Izuku said.

"Yes, definitely. That would be great. Now show me the way." I said and we started walking.

As we were walking I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I said and looked at who I just bumped into.

It was a guy with white hair just like mine and different colored eyes. one was blue and the other was red, the same tone as mine. I kept looking at him just like he kept looking at me. As I was probably now staring at him I heard my name being called.

"-ri. Mari! Mari! Are you okay?" Izuku asked, concern in his voice

"Oh. I'm okay. Again, I'm sorry for bumping into you like that. Are you alright?" I asked and stretched out my arm to him.

"Mari?" He asked.

"Yes. That's me."

"Azuja?" He once again asked.

"Yes! How did you know? I don't think we have met before." I said.

"I- I finally found you." He said with teary eyes. He quickly got up and hugged me.

"Am... What's going on?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I'm in a hurry. Here's my business card. Please call me and I will explain everything." He said and hurriedly went away.

"What was that about? Are you sure you don't know him?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's my first time meeting him. Do you think I should call him? I am curious." I said to Izuku.

"I'm not sure... I just had the craziest thought."

"What is it?"

"Maybe he knows something about your family or something relate to you. He did know your last name and was surprised to know your name." Izu said.

"Well you're right. Also the color of his hair and eye kind of makes me question him. Could he be related to me?"

"That would be great but it kind of seems too good to be true." Izu said as we continued walking.

The rest of the shopping was eventless and we got everything I needed. It took us a couple of hours but we got a bit more that I needed. After we got home I took out his business card from my pocket and started to read it. 

"What? Azuja agency? Wha- Wait! What? I have never heard of it, not from anyone here or in the manga. What is going on?" I said it out loud. Then I heard a knock.

"Come in." I said.

"Mari? Are you alright?" Inko asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Inko? What would you do if someone you have never met knew you and without any explanation run away only leaving his business card and telling you to contact them?" I asked. 

"Well I wouldn't want to have any contact with them. But considering the situation you have, I would try and call them. Who knows, maybe you might find some clues about yourself or even your family." Inko said.

"Thank you, Inko."I said and gave her a hug.

As Inko left my room and closed the door I took out my phone and rung the number that was on a business card. It rang a few times before someone answered.

"Hello, this is Azuja agency. How can I help?" A male voice said.

"Hello. It's Mari. I was told to call this number." I said.

"Oh! Mari! I didn't expect you to call me so soon, but none the less I'm glad you have called me. I'm sorry I had bumped into you like that. Would it be alright if we met up tomorrow? I will tell you everything you want and need to know."

"Am... Okay, but can I take someone with me?" I asked.

"That's quite alright. I will call you tomorrow to pick you and your friend up."

"Okay. Before we end the call, I would like to know your name." I asked.

"Oh that's right. I didn't tell you my full name. It's-"


Hello everyone. I hope not many have left and are still waiting for this story to continue.   Yeah I know this wasn't the chapter everyone was waiting for but I needed to start to introduce Maris new family member to you. But most importantly........ I would like to get name suggestions for this tall and handsome man in the pic above.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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