chapter 10

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The day of the test exercise came. I was a bit nervous only because I would probably have to do this exercise alone.

"Right, the test exercise will begin shortly. Obviously,you can fail this test too-" I stopped listening to Aizawa-sensei talking because I knew what was going to happen.

I have been feeling a bit weard from yesterday.

'What is going on? Do I have a fever? It can't be. I have never got sick like this and it's getting worse.' I though questioning myself.

"Mari? Are you alright? You're shaking." Todoroki said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. I think." Just when I said that everything went black. I fainted.

When I opened my eyes I was met with a white ceilings.

"Aaahhh!" I yelled from this unknown feeling. My whole body felt like it was on fire.

"Take these. They should help you."Recovery girl said and gave me two pils. I didn't ask I just took them.

"Thanks. What's...going on....with me?"

"As much research I have done in my life I presume you are in heat. And thanks to your friend who brought you here I could verify it. Try to sleep now. You need to rest as much as you can." Recovery girl said and left the room.

"It's so hot. I feel realy weard." I said but still tried to sleep. Soon darkness took over as I fell asleep.

After an hour

"What the fuck is wrong with her?"

"Calm down boy and let me explain. Long story short she's having her first heat. The first one is the worst so she needs as much rest as she can so please don't be so loud. It usually lasts from four to seven days. She won't be able to eat much so she needs to drink  a lot of fluid. In the first day she will be feeling hot so she can even spend whole day in a cold bath. That should help."

'I could hear Kacchan and recovery girl talking. I was getting hot, too hot and this weard itchy feeling is becoming stronger.'

*pant* *pant*

"Mari? Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"" I could barely speak.

All I could hear was Kacchan slamming the door on his way out. Not even minute later someone walked in.

'No. There's more footsteps. 2 people came in.' I though.

"Kacchan?" Was all I could say.

I could feel them lifting me up so that I would be in sitting position but their touch only made feel more wearder but cool at the same time.

I opened my eyes but couldn't see clearly. I tried to make it out who was the one holding me.


"Shhh... Rest."

"Thanks..." I said and soon my breathing became more steady.

"What about test?" I asked.

"All of us did it and most of us..."

"Passed. Right?"


"God damn it. It still feels like I'm dying."

"You can go home if you like." Recovery girl said to me.

"No not yet."

"And why is that?" Bakugo asked.

"I don't want to worry Inko."

When I said that there was a long pause. Then Bakugo said.

"You can stay at my place. My parents won't mind you being there. That is... If you want." Kacchan said and whispered the last part.

"In that case I will need to tell Inko and Izuku that I will stay at your place." I said.

"I will take care of it. So rest for now." Kacchan said.

"...Thanks, Kacchan." I said and because Shoto were using his ice quirk and it made me feel better I could fell asleep.

"I will come and... up... After....." I couldn't hear the last part Kacchan said because I felt tired and fell asleep faster than before.

When I started to wake up I could feel someone carrying me somewhere. I opened my eyes and saw familiar room.

"Kacchan. What time is it?"

"It's already evening. I will go and start making dinner." Bakugou said when he laid me down on his bed. He turned around and started to walk away but I quickly grabed his hand.

"What's wrong?"

I couldn't say anything in replay. I pulled him and it made him to sit down on bed. Him being so close it my body to start moving on its own.

Somehow I ended up sitting in his lap and hugging him but... It all got only worse. I started to lick his neck making him more tense. I continued to lick his neck still hugging him with one hand while the other went to explore lower parts.

I could hear his heartbeat quickening. I slid my hand under his shirt and pulled it up slowly but then he grabed my arms and pushed me down on his bed. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. He let go of me and quickly went to out of the room not saying anything on his way out.

'What is wrong with me!! My body moved on its own but it didn't feel wrong it actually felt right. Like I'm supposed to do that. My instincts were saying yes but my subconscious were saying no. Oh god. It feels like I'm dying. It's so hot. Cold... Water.' I though and tried to go bathroom to souk in cold water.

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