Chapter 13

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When I opened my eyes I was met by a warm morning light shining on me. I got up and ready for today's training.

"It's gonna be a long day." I said and went to get breakfast.

'Seems like everyone is still asleep.' I thought as I made my food.

After breakfast I went out and saw that everyone were already outside and ready for training.

".... we will focus on upgrading your quirks. I will be pushing you beyond your limits. So try not to kick the bucket on me like Mari almost did."

"Is she alright?" Izuku asked as I stood at the entrance.

"She did great job yesterday training herself while waiting for everyone to get here. While doing that she over did and while I went to look for her and finally found her she passed out. She should be asleep now."

"Are you sure about that Aizawa-sensei?"

"Mari! Are you feeling alright to be up?"

"I'm fine Izu. Don't worry. No need to worry about me. Let's go." I said reassuring him.

So we trained for almost 12 hours and everyone were really tired..... and hungry. So we had to make food ourselves.

'The villains will take action tomorrow. I need to get my strength back up so I can help a bit but... what exactly I should do? No one really needs MY help here. I can't change anything here.' I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't notice that Izuku were gone.

Smol time skip until tomorrow afternoon after everyone has ate

"Now then! Our stomachs are full and the dishes are clean! Next up is..." Pixie-Bob said when Mina interrupted.

"The test of courage!!" Mina was really excited but that won't last long.

"Before that, and though it pains me to say it, the remedial bunch... are going to have a review lesson with me starting right now." Aizawa said tying all five of them so that they wouldn't run away.

"Yes yes it sucks to be you but the training we did earlier today was far less fruitful than I hoped. Which means we need to wash, rinse, repeat..." Aizawa said dragging Mina, Pikachu, Kiri, Sero and Sugar away.

After they have left pussycats started to explain about the test of courage.

"So there we have it. B-class will be first up at scaring people, and A-class will have pairs of two leave every three minutes." Said Pixie.

"In the middle of the route, there'll be a card with your name written on it. Take it back with you as a proof!" Mandalay continues.

"The scaring group is not allowed to directly touch anyone. But scaring tactics using any and all available quirks are permitted." Said Ragdoll.

"The winner will be the class that not only makes the most of their creativity but also makes the most people piss their pants with fright!" Said the pussycats except Mandalay.

"Please stop, that's disgusting..."

"Exactly my thoughts Jiro." I Said.

"I see! By putting us against each other, we can polish our skills, and as a result, reach new horizons with our quirks! As expected of yuuei!!"

"Pairs of two... but wait... out of 21 people, 5 were sent to review... so that means..."

"That's right Izu. You're stuck with me!" I said with a big grin.

"Am.. Momo? Can I ask you a favour?"

"Of course, Mari. What is it?"

"Could you make me a gass mask?"

"Yes, but why do you need it?"

"Oh... you'll see. But be prepared to make more. Thanks again." I said.

Few minutes had passed and then...

"What is this burning smell?" Asked Pixie.

"Black smoke." Said Mandalay.

"Izu! Go to Kouta! Quick! You're the only one who can help him! Hurry! Will be fine!" I said and without a word Izuku rushed off.

I put on the gas mask Momo made for me and as quick as I could made some wings pop out. It was hard to maintain them but I had to do that. I took some flashlights and anything that made some light and off I was to search others who might need my help.

'If my memory is right then in the manga there should be a map where everyone are even the villains.' I thought and started to look for that map. When I finally found it I started to search for anyone who might be near by. Then I saw Izuku running away from pussycats.

'So he's going to Kacchan. On his way there there's.... Tokoyami!!' I remembered and flew as fast I could manage. I finally made it but Tokoyamis dark shadow was even bigger that I thought it would be and Kacchan was there too with Todoroki.

"No no no! I can't fly any longer. I will fall from here and die for real!!" I took off my mask but it slipped out of my hand and while I was falling it lander first making Kacchan look up and catch me in time.

"What were you doing flying around!? Is this some kind of field trip to you?"

"Oh yes I'm okay. Don't worry." I said to Bakugo.

"Hurry! Make some light! Tokoyamis gone berserk!" Shoji Said.

"He's attacking indiscriminately... I'll make some flam-" Shoto said.

"Wait you dumbass. Look." Bakugo Said with somewhat evil looking smile/grin.

The villain that attacked Bakugo and Todoroki started to attach Tokoyamis dark shadow but that didn't work out as he might have wanted. The villain were smacked through a lot of trees and thrown away hitting another tree making him pass out. Right then while Dark shadow were distracted Bakugo and Todoroki run to Tokoyami making some light trying to calm down his Darks Shadow. It was great that it helped. Tokoyami fell to his knees panting.

"You and I have some unfortunate chemistry..." Bakugo said.

"I'm sorry... Thanks for saving me." Tokoyami said.

"That's what friends are for, right Kacchan?" I said going to Tokoyamis side rubbing his back.

"Tch." Was all he said in return.

"Tokoyami, are you alright? Fortunately, everything turned out as you said it would..." Shouji said.

"Shouji... Midoriya... I'm sorry. My spirit was not prepared." Tokoyami apologised.

"When Shouji lost one of his arms... I gave into my anger and released Dark Shadow. In the depth of the darkness... I was consumed with fury, further spurred on by THEIR rage... It built up to a point where I could no longer contain it... And I hurt Shouji in the process." He continued to explain.

"Save it, if I were you I wouldn't be talking about that right now." Shouji Said.

"That's right! We've established that Kacchan is one of the villains target." Izuku said.

"Bakugo? They're after his life? But why?" Tokoyami asked.

"They are not after his life but more like him itself. They are trying to get him to join them. I can guarantee that they won't hurt him." I explained.

"How do you know that?" Tokoyami asked.

"I know things others don't so let's just leave that there."


A/n: Hey guys. I know I made everyone wait and I'm sorry about that. Sooo is it better to make longer chapters or shorter? Any advice on anything? Oh! And Mari will be talking to Shoto. They will have some kind of a secret conversation. I hope. And thank you everyone for reading this story. I didn't expect that anyone would be interested in reading it. I really appreciate it.

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