chapter 9

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The end-of-term test were approaching. I had to study hard. I didn't have bad grades but I sure didn't have the best ones too, I was more in the middle. I would ask Izu to help me study but that wouldn't help me.

'I have to study on my own otherwise I won't learn anything.' I though. 'I will only ask Izu if I'm stuck.'

"Mari! Were going to be late if you don't hurry up." Izu yelled from living room.

"I'm coming." I yelled back from my room. Quickly grabbing my bag and running out.

"You're not going to eat breakfast?" Inko asked.

"Sorry but I'm in a hurry. I will just eat on the way." I said and grabed toast.

"You need to eat properly, Mari." Izu said to me worried.

"I know. I was just up late last night studying."

"Don't over work yourself, Mari."

"I won't. You don't need to worry Inko. I just can't sluck off. I need to catch up to Izu or at least be in top 5."

"You don't have to do that-" I interrupted Inko.

"I want too. That's the least I can do for letting me stay with you."

"We're going to be late if we don't go now." Izu said.

"Alright. See you later, Inko."

"Be safe on your way to and back from school."

"We will." Izu said and we walked out and were on our way to school. We didn't really talk much. It was a pretty  silent walk but it wasn't awkward eather and just like that we stood in front of UA.

We walked to our classroom and we could already hear our classmates talking. I have barely stepped in when  someone started yelling.

"I haven't studied at all!" Denki said frustrated.

"What's the ruckus about?" I asked, more to myself but others could hear me.

"Don't you know? In a week we will have end-of-term test." Ashido said.

"Oh I know that but is there a reason for Kaminari to be so loud first thing in the morning?"

"He's just frustrated because he's-"

"He's the last one?"


"Man, the fack there's also a practical test exercise is really tough, huh."

"I thought you were one of us?" Ashido said to Mineta.

"A guy like you is supposed to be a loveable idiot....! Now Who'll want you?" Denki said.

"Oh, I dunno. The whole world."

"Yeah, sure. Keep dreaming." I said to Mineta.

"Ashido, Kaminari. Le...Let's do our best. I mean I want to go to the lodge alongside everyone. Right?" Izu said.

"Yeah!" Iida said.

"If you just attend classes normaly then you won't get any failing grades." Said Shouto to Denki.

Then Momo volunteered to teach some guys who wanted and needed to study. Soon lunch time came.

We all got our lunches and sat at the usual table . Everyone started talking about exams both writing and practical.

"It's scary that we can't know what will be in the practical test exercise." Izu said.

"Nothing to wild, I think." Iida said.

"We can still pull it off. The normal subject test. Sure can pull 'er off." Ochako said.

'The guy from class be should be coming soon.' I though and right then he was behind me ready to hit Izus head.

"Don't even dare to do that." I said as I got up and took his arm preventing from hitting Izu.

"What are you even talking about?.... Ah! You lot encountered the hero killer, I heard! Man, it's so scary! One day,we might get wrapped up in the trouble you lot call out of the woodworks and then we'll get hurt! So scary I...." He was cut off by a girl hitting his neck making him collapse.

"That's not funny! You know what happened to Iida? Sorry about that, class A, this kid's heart is, well.... You know how it goes." She said.

"Anyway, earlier I heard you say that you couldn't know what the end-of-term test exercise would be. Actually, I'm told that it will be like the entrance exam. That is, a battle simulator exercise fighting against robots." She said.

"Wha? For real? How do you know?" Izu asked.

"I know a upperclassman personally and asked." She said.

'What she said isn't true but it will be similar.' I though and sighed. Izu was doing his usual thinking out loud. I didn't even noticed that she left and everyone were already done eating and ready to go back.

"Mari. Let's go." Izu said.


We were now in our class where everyone were. Izu and others were telling rest of the guys what we were told at lunch.

"What, realy? Well if it's just robots then it'll be a walk in a park." Denki said happily.

"Must be happy because your quirks are hard to adjust to human opponents." Shouji said.

"Yup! So with robots we can win like that! Easy as pie!" Denki said happily.

"Now we just need to get someone to help us study." Sero said.

"Now we're shoe-ins for the forest lodge." Ashido said.

"Who cares if it's people or robots, it's all the same when they're blown away. Walk in the park my ass." Kacchan said to Ashido and Denki.

"Who are you calling an idiot, idiot!!" Denki yelled at Kacchan.

"Shut up! You don't need to bother about 'adjusting' idiot! Right? Deku!" Kacchan said.

'Damn he and his anger issues.' I though sitting in my seat. I didn't really wanted to get involved in this so I kept quite all through the conversations they had.

"I dunno if you come to understand....How to use a quirk.  But you're realy trying my goddamn nerves, shitrag." Kacchan said to Izu.

"Wait, is Bakugou talking about how Deku's moves looked a lot like his?" Ochako asked.

"Ohhhh. Yeah, must be...." Ashido said.

"Let me tell you right now, I don't want the same hollow ass results as the damn sports festival. By the end of next term, we'll see by our grades just who the better man is... Whether by You like it or not! I'll annihilat you. Leave you in the dust with the gap between us and then I'll fucking murder you! Todoroki... You too. Asshole!" Kacchan said and then went out the classroom, loudly opening the doors.

'Oh, Kacchan. You won't ever be a hero if you keep that attitude of yours. Aizawa-sensei must be just outside of class.' I though *sigh*

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