chapter 7

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A/n: I imagine her costume to be something like the one in the pic above. If you don't like it you can just think of one yourself.

It was finaly the day where we go to our chosen hero's to train. Me and Ochako decided to go to Gunhead. I knew he was good and we will have a good time there and get a lot stronger.

In the train station we said our goodbyes to our friends and went to our train that will take us to our destination.

Once we got there we were met by a Gunhead. His personality was unexpected just because he looked like he could kick your but anytime. He was the sweetest person ever.

Later that day me and Ochako started training, like really intense training. I didn't mind, I actually needed a training like that.

While working out I couldn't stop thinking about Iida.

'I know he will be alright but still... injuring himself like that isn't something anyone should do despite how he feels. The same goes for Izu. Oh man, what will I do with both of them' I though and signed.

"Focus Mari." The Gunhead said.

"I'm sorry."

And like that the whole week went by.

It was finally time to go back home. And when I finaly stood in front of the door Inko opened it and gave me a hug.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Yes Inko I'm perfectly fine. Is Izu in his room?"


"I will go and say hi to him."

"Sure." Inko said and let go of me.

*Knock* *knock*

"Come in." Izu said.

"Hey, Izu. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Thanks for the warning. It sure helped."

"Never ever do something so reckless. It's a good thing Todoroki was near. You wouldn't have been so lucky if he didn't show up but I'm glad that you're okay. I was realy worried."

"Sorry. But I still can't belive that you know everything. It's still a bit unreal for me."

"I'm sorry for troubling you like this." I said with my head held low and my ears as well.

"Please you don't have to be sorry. I'm happy that you told me the truth. Otherwise it wouldn't have made sense how you knew everything. So please don't be sad about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Definitely."

"Okay. If you say so. I will go to my room now so rest well."

"Okay. I will. Thanks."


"Hurry up Izu or we'll be late."

"Coming. There's no need to rush. We will not be late."

"I know you're never late but I jut want to go to school and meat everyone."

"Okay. I got it. Then let's go."

On our way to UA academy I reconised few people but there was one that stood out the most. He had this spiky ash-blond hair.

"Come on Izu. I want to say hi to Kacchan."

"W-what? Why?"

"Well because we're friends. That's why."

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