20. More Bits

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20. More Bits

People who are against bits make me so mad.  Idk but just the fact that they think it's cruel to have any bit in the horse's mouth is so inaccurate it's kind of funny.  Bits, when used correctly, don't hurt the horse.  Of course if someone misuses one it will hurt, but so will a Hackmore or any other bitless bridle in the wrong hands.  Nd 75% of riding should be from your seat and legs, so there's no need to be all up in your horse's face.  But when someone who knows remotely what they're doing uses a bit, it doesn't hurt the horse at all.  It's not cruel and some horses even like it.  A snaffle (the most common bit used) is so soft it's like nothing.  Just a reassurment that you can control your horse.  I use a kimberwick snaffle, which raises some debate because there is a chain on it and two holes the reins can go through.  Let me say this, the inside is the exact same as a regular snaffle.  Only the outside is different.  I kimberwick snaffle is a leverage bit.  That means, when the reins are through the bottom hole, and you pull up, the chain pushes on the underside of the horse's chin and they can get on the bit easier (get a headset).  Now for the chain.  To put it on correctly, you should be able to fit 2 fingers between it and your horse.  That way, it's not tight and won't hurt your horse at all when it's against his skin.  it's not curel.  It may seem like that, but horses are huge and powerful animals.  They can handle it.  Just because you do liberty, don't think any less of us because we use a bit.  Some of us just have no interest in liberty.  Let us keep our ways.

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