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Credit to @grey.in.a.sea.of.bay on instagram

I don't think I can shout loud enough

I want the world to hear me

I want everyone to know this

So listen up

Open your mind

Don't judge

Don't speak

Just listen

I am girl

Just an every day average American teenage girl

I make mistakes

I can be dumb

I get hurt

I fight

But, I'm a girl with a horse

A horse that is so much more than JUST a horse

My horse feeds my dreams

She gives me hope

She forgive me for my mistakes

I may be an average girl

But I do a monumentally not average thing

I trust my horse with my life

And I'm proud to call her my best friend

When I'm with my horse, I'm no longer an average girl

I'm a girl on the back of one the strongest animals to walk this earth

One of the animals with the most freedom

When they gallop, you can SEE freedom

Most people don't understand what's so powerful about a girl on a horse

But some do

It's the bond they share

I would do anything for my horse

And I hope she'd do anything for me

She may be an animal

But she's one heck of a horse

And I want the world to know that

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