Chapter 1

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Chris was sitting at a table looking as the kids just ran around to their hearts delight. He wasn't enjoying his birthday much considering his Big Brother will just pick with him like he always does. Chris didn't understand why though; Was it just to impress his friends? Terrance always hides and waits for Chris to come around then scares him with the Foxy mask

Chris couldn't keep his eyes open considering he was falling asleep because he didn't get any last night because he stayed up all night

Because of the Nightmares

He didn't know when they started but he knew how they came to be. Visiting the restaurant for his past nine birthdays put him on edge. The moving animatronics with their stiff movements and blinking eyes, constantly looking around. The checkerboard floors gives him a headache sometimes. It's always full of shoe scuffs and pizza sauce

The decorations wasn't something that amazed him anymore. The streamers and bright twinkle lights dimmed out over the years not looking as polished like it used to be. The sticky tables worn out and chipped from constant usage. He had the feeling that the pizzeria owners didn't have the funds to get new decór despite how many families come in on a daily bases

Chris's eyes started to droop, not having enough energy to keep them open

"Hey," Chris heard a voice but, it sounded so far away. It was hurting his head a-little because he felt like it was loud; it felt like it could just explode, "Hey!!" The voice screamed louder

Chris snapped his eyes open looking around until his eyes landed on his friend, Iris. She had an amused grin on her face, her cheeks blushing a-little. Her green orbs bored into his brown ones as he looked at her with a tired look rubbing his temples trying to soothe the already splitting headache

"Is the birthday party that boring that even the birthday boy falls asleep?" She asked chuckling after with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Her eyes twinkled with amusement seeing his startled expression

"Leave me alone Iris," He said rubbing his eyes trying to wake himself up, "I'm trying to stay awake but it's not easy," He said sighing deeply remembering the events of last night, "It's just really hard to sleep,"

"Big Brother trouble again?" She asked sighing knowing how awful Terrance can be. She didn't like Terrance because of the bad things he does to Chris. Nobody should treat their siblings like that because it would just damage their trust.

Iris knows what kind of pain Chris was going through, she experienced it herself with her cousins even though they're not her siblings but, still family. Chris isn't the happy go lucky kid he use to be

"Worse," He said, "Have you even nightmare Freddy?" He asked her, a image of Nightmare Bonnie and Freddy flashing through his mind making his spine tingle

"Nightmare?" She asked surprised just a-little, her expression was a mix of confusion. Her eyebrows were drawn together and her nose scrunched a-bit, "I mean, I have had some bad dreams about them. Don't get me wrong Chris, They are creepy...look at them on stage just shaking, creeping around like that," She said shuddering looking at the animatronics singing to the kids moving their mouth in a robotic way. It's long rounded teeth hitting the metal as their mouth moved. They've been creepy for years now

"No I don't mean that...Not Fredbear but Freddy, the brown bear, and Foxy, Bonnie, and Chica!" He said happily while still trying to hide the pain in his eyes. Yeah, they were his favorite but things don't be the same anymore eversince he had that first encounter. At that time he didn't know what was going on, being only seven years old when the nightmares started

"Oh! You mean the T.V show?! Fredbear and Friends?" She asked laughing a small bit, sounding forced

"Yeah...But; I see them every night. They creep around my house Iris," He said sighing, "Fredbear keeps me safe," He said looking at the golden bear

He grabbed it running his thumb over the purple bow, he smiled a-little bit. Everywhere he goes the stuffed animal's sitting right there surprisingly. He always felt this weird tingle in his heart whenever he was around him. Like a connection of some sort, like he was being protected

A short while ago he started talking to his bear. Constantly rambling about his problems, it startled him when a voice in his head responded to his talking. He thought it was weird at first thinking he was losing his mind but didn't think much of it when the voice was getting more clearer like coming from underwater. Soon enough, the voice got clear like the voice was right in the room with him

"Keep you safe? The old stuffed animal? Your so funny sometimes," Iris said chuckling


"Ugh, this place sucks dude! I mean; I can't believe my idiot of a brother is wasting a completly good Friday at this shitty pizza place," Terrance complained; he started hitting the machines with his friends slowly joining him gaining satisfaction when the animatronics glitched from time to time from the force of the hits

"Hey, stop that!!!" The manager said trying to get the destructive teenagers off the stage,"Those are expensive! and dangerous. They're in automatic mode right now; Can't you just go back to your table and enjoy the god-damn show from there!" He yelled pulling the last teenager off the stage

He watched the teenagers walk off to their table, he sighed densly before walking off, mumbling curses under his breath saying something about kids. He hated his job because of the disrespectful kids. Teenagers especially - he wasn't paid enough for this

"Did you guys see that?" Terrance asked his friends grunting in response

"Yeah Man; what a loser," Shelly said looking away. She didn't want to admit it but she loved this place very much. It was a her childhood's favorite memory - she used the love it when Spring Bonnie would go around singing to the kids and giving out cake

The cake giving was her most favorite part. Especially when he gave out multiple. She didn't miss the stomachaches that came after eating too much cake

"Yeah, this place blows. The only good thing here is the masks," Mark said before getting up out of his chair walking over to the table with the masks sitting on it. He picked up the freddy one, watching the shiny scratched plastic gleam in the dim yellow lights

"Good thing I have a few tickets right?" Said the girl before pulling out a share of almost destroyed tickets. It was a dingy yellow with pizza stains that coated the ticket, the corners were chipped as well

She picked up the tickets from nearby tables when some of the families left, forgetting about it even sitting there. Sometimes; rolls of it was sitting on the table which she gladly took. Talk about hitting the jackpot

"So what are you gonna get T?" Asked one of his friends whilst leaning back in his chair looking around the pizzeria. He cringed at the colorful place, no matter how many birthdays his friend's brother had in this place. He would always find it creepy

"Foxy obviously," He said picking the mask up turning it. He pulled the thin black string before letting it go - the string hitting the plastic with a loud 'thack!', "I tore off the head the one Chris had," He said smiling

"Awww did he Cry?" Asked one of the boys laughing

"Ha, that little baby cries at everything! It's annoying as hell; I tried to scare the shit out of him and we still had to come for his birthday, I was trying to save us from embarrassment," He said rolling his eyes letting out an aggravated sigh; remembering how his Dad argued with him about leaving Chris alone

He constantly got into heated arguments with his father. As scary as he may be, Terrance never knows when not to cross the line when dealing with his father over arguments. They almost never end well, after a fight, they won't speak to eachother for days at a time

"Well, We could give him a real reason to be scared," Said a low voice

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now