Chapter 7

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Vincent was happy that his son had woken up, he remembered that he got a call saying Chris had flat lined. He was very livid that Terrance would to that to his only brother, let alone, let it happen. Vincent didn't know Terrance was going to go that far, Terrance regretted his actions and was deeply sorry for it. Vincent quickly got up off the couch grabbing his car keys from the coffee table that was in front of him

"Vincent, where are you going?" Asked his wife, Ashlynn, looking at Vincent rushing to the front door with keys tightly in his grasp. Her eyes were red raw from crying just a few minutes ago

Ashlynn didn't know why Vincent was in a hurry. He couldn't have anything important, atleast that's what she thinks anyway. She thinks he was in a hurry because of the phone call he recieved just moments ago

"To the hospital, Chris woken up,"


Ashylnn was busy looking out the window watching the trees pass by. She was sure going to be happy to see her son's brown eyes again. She was worried that without Chris's frontal lobe, how would he move on? Ashlynn was confused that he survived. Maybe she can ask the doctor how he's going to do just that. She overheard the doctor's conversation and said that maybe he can have surgery

He said he can borrow part of the brain from one of the recently dead patients. He said it was going to be risky and may have some memory loss. As long as her son is going to be okay; that's all that matters now. They arrived at the hospital whilst Vincent drove around the parking lot trying to find a parking space.

"I wonder how Terrance is doing?" She thought to herself before her eyebrows creased together. She didn't know about the bullying herself, she always thought that they was just rough housing like siblings normally do. She instantly brushed off the the situation and thought nothing of it. She knew something was wrong when Chris started to isolate himself in his room. She would always ask Chris if something was wrong but he always danced around the subject and saying that he was okay

Chris knew he wasn't okay. He didn't want to get his parents involved into his problems because in his opinion; it would only make it worse. He knew it would be worse - Terrance always threatens to burn his FredBear plushie if he ever said anything. He just kept his mouth closed to see it that it would all blow over. To his standards - it didn't

They finally found a parking space, Vincent carefully parking. He turned the car off taking the keys out of the ignition sighing after; tired from today's events

"He's going to be okay Vincent," She said putting her hand on his shoulder for comfort because she knew he was taking it the hardest. It is his younger son after all

"I know but...I'm scared y'know," He said pausing for a minute before continuing, "When I saw him in that bear's mouth; I was sick to my stomach. When the doctors call and told me he flat lined, I didn't know what to do," He said before closing his eyes shaking his head a-little. He didn't want to lose his child at such a young age, he was only 10 and didn't want his life taken away from him so soon.

A-lot of people lost their young children and they have a hard time coping with it. They would just be a hollow shell of the person they use to be - they would go beyond the brink of insanity and envy the ones that still have their children. They would envy because they would never see their child smile, play, cry, or just simply bugging them again. They would automatically missed the happiness that they had

"I know, atleast he's ok. You'll get to see him alive and well," She reassured him trying to get him to think positive things

He opened the car door; Ashlynn doing the same before shutting the door, Vincent locking the car afterwards. Vincent and Ashlynn started to walk to the entrance hand in hand

As they was walking, people was looking at Vincent strangely because of his freakishly tall frame, purple hair, pale skin, and white eyes. When Ashlynn first met Vincent, she was afraid of him too because of his unatural hair, skin and eyes. She had a feeling that no-one wanted to be around him because of he looked different, She looked past that and gave him a chance at being loved and wanted

She wouldn't trade Vincent for the world

They made it to the front entrance, walking inside, some people was looking at Vincent weirdly. Vincent was really started to get annoyed - Ashlynn started to pull Vincent by his hand to the hallway to avoid anymore weird stares. They was walking down the hallway trying to find Chris's room, they looked ahead and saw Shelly coming down the hall with her arms wrapped around her body with her head down

Vincent was trying to control his anger, he was angry at Terrance's friends for putting his child in the hospital. His eyes started to glow a-little from the anger that was rippling in his body.

Shelly looked up, guilt clear in her green eyes. When her eyes came in contact with Vincent, her face fell. She and her friends had small encounters with him a while back, she knows that he has a major anger problem which can get Vincent in a-lot of trouble. Her and her friends tried avoiding any negative paths with Terrance's father

Knowing that she put his son in the hospital, she was going to have to face his wrath sometime. She knows that time is right about now, she started to walk past him but, he quickly grabbed her forearm looking deep into her eyes with so much hatred - she coward slightly from the intense gaze

"Stay away from my sons, or you wouldn't be able to see the light of another day," He said with venom dripping off every word, "And that's a promise," He threatened letting go of her arm, she nodded slowly before holding her now red arm as she started to walk away

"Vincent was that necessary, she's just a child," Ashlynn said to him with a stern voice, Vincent looked down at Ashlynn with an irritated look

"A child that put my son in the hospital," He said to her letting go of her hand, "All because of some fucking prank," He said before walking down the hallway leaving Ashlynn standing there in shock

She looked behind her to see Shelly walking out of the door. No matter how many times she told Vincent about his anger, but he was right. She did put him in the hospital. Overall that was his son nonetheless, there was one thing she did know about Vincent is that he's always going to have a soft spot for his kids and would do anything for them. Even when their actions are deeply wrong

She sighed running down the hall to catch up with Vincent. She grabbed his hand making him turn around slightly. She wrapped her arms around his waist laying her head on his chest closing her eyes. Vincent wrapped his arms around her as well softly stroking her brown hair with his jaw clenched. She let go whilst Vincent cupped her face before laying his forehead on hers looking into her eyes. He loved her with all his heart and promised to never leave her

Even when she's always right

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now