Chapter 11

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After my Mom shut the door, I laid back on the bed staring at the bland white ceiling lost into my own thoughts. The room seems hollow and quiet, without a single sound to be heard; you can even hear a pen drop. I always hated hospitals; and yet, here I am laying in one with a piece of my brain missing

I turned over on my side, looking out the giant window that showed the night sky. The stars seemed close, yet, so far as they twinkled in the dark. Only seen as little white dots littering the abyss like sky, the night doesn't seem to care because it's in it's own little world. I wish I can just have that kind of peace for the rest of my life, only, life doesn't work that way. Obstacles will be in your way no matter how many times you tried to dodge them; only for them to keep on coming. My eyelids became heavy as I drifted off to sleep once again

I woke up to a ringing sound, I looked beside me to see it read 12:00AM. I quickly sat up grabbing the flashlight, I switched it on looking around my room. I pointed light to my left to see letters written in blood as it read

~Night 2~

I can tell it was fresh because some was dripping. I quickly scrambled out of my bed taking my spot at the front looking around my room, the big circle of light guided across my room landing on the left door. I ran over to the door prying it open, the light shined down the hallway to reveal nothing but the photo frames that was hung up on the wall

I turned my flashlight off running back to the front of the bed turning it back on again. I looked behind me to see the little nightmares disappearing as soon as the light hit them. I turned back around only for the closet door to move a-little, I ran over to closet opening it. Foxy had his jaw open staring at me, I closed the door; my light flickered a-bit. I opened the door again to see the plushie sitting where Foxy once stood

I moved away from the closet and back to the front of the bed. I turned back around, the circle of light partly shining the room; I ran over to the right door opening it. I saw Chica go behind the corner with a sickening smile. Frightened, I ran back over to my spot at the bed. The room slowly darkened until I couldn't see nothing but the endless black

I turned to see if I was still in my bedroom, I searched the darkness and I couldn't feel my bed behind me. Luckily, I still had my flashlight - I turned it on to see a plushie sitting on a lone white chair with a sickening smile plastered on his face. He had a moldy green complexion, hunched over in an uncomfortable position, and his white eyes had nothing but a black dot

A white X was in the middle of the floor which I hadn't seen before. I turned my flashlight off since the plushie haven't moved yet but it gave an unsettling feeling that was slowly growing inside my chest. I turned my flashlight back on to see it was


I quickly turned my flashlight back off sensing something off. I turned it back it on to see a glimpse of it falling in a neutral position in front of the chair. I figured out the motive, everytime I turn the light off; it moves. And I know I have to get the plush onto the X without me actually getting scared or, jump scared for that matter

I turned off the flashlight waiting for it to move again. I heard shuffling in the darkness making me turn the light back on to see it going behind one of the doors. It would be a difficult task to get it on the X. I don't know why Iris was thinking of getting one of these? It would surely cause more problems to her life, she wouldn't even know what that plush was capable of.

I quickly turned the flashlight off and back on to see the plushie dropping down on the X, the room darkening once more before I heard an alarm going off. I looked behind me to see bright red numbers switching before landing on 6AM

 I looked behind me to see bright red numbers switching before landing on 6AM

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I shined my flashlight to see all of my plushies sitting in front of me. I kneeled down in front of them, tears started pouring down my face from the sight of them; I didn't even bother stopping the tears because I know they won't go away anytime soon. Soon, they started to speak to me

Foxy: "Your Broken,"

Chica: "We are still your friends,"

Bonnie: "Do you still believe that?"

Freddy: "I'm still here,"

They started to disappear one by one only leaving FredBear left. His eyes were pitch black leaving two white dots as he stared at me, my vision blurred even more. I finally reached my breaking point

"Why me FredBear? I wish I could just go back to where things use to be," I said letting out a sob, "I hope for things to go back; I didn't choose for this to happen. The nightmares, the bite, the bullying, why me? You said you was going to protect me," I replied bringing my knees up to my chest staring down at him

"I am protecting you, the nightmares is just your fear. You can't let it get to you," Fredbear explained, "None of it's real - it's just an illusion. Chris, you have to understand-"

"What is there to understand!" I yelled cutting him off, "I'm tired of everything that's happening to me. I'm sick of everything, I hate the fact that I have to deal with the terror of these animatronics. I hate worrying my family and I hate the way Dad is beating himself up of over something that he has no control over," I said more tears pouring down my face

Things will never go back to the way they use to be. It's just the empty shell of it's past. You can't change the past no matter how hard things get, they say the future has many more opportunities. But, for me, it isn't an option; me myself never believed anything ever good happens to me. Now, I still don't believe it

I don't know what to believe anymore

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now