Chapter 4

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I'm sitting a dark room with just a small light shining down on me. Everywhere was dark, it stretched on for miles on end - it felt suffocating, and it felt so tight and closed off

"Terrance?" I called out, no answer, "Iris? Mom? Dad?" I called out once more but only getting silence as an answer

I stood up wiping away any stray tears with the back of my hand. I walked further into the deafening silence that's wrapped around in a pool of darkness, while I was walking; the single light above kept following me

A bright light shined in my face blinding my vision, I wiped my eyes from the blurriness. I looked in front of me to see my Plushie of Fredbear sitting in front of me. I silently walked over before bending picking it up holding it running my fingers on the soft material. The plushie's eyes wasn't it's regular turquoise color but all black with white Irises

"Fear," FredBear whispered

I dropped him after his eyes turned a dark red. The plushie morphed into a tall bear with a sadistic smile plastered onto his face showing his rows of sharp teeth. I backed up to only bump into something. I turned around see Foxy with his head chopped off. I looked around me to see Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica looking at me. I hugged my body out of fear

"What do you want with me?" I asked timidly tears cascading down my face once more. My vision was blurred because of them, they morphed into nightmares running straight at me grabbing my body, They started to drag me to FredBear who's mouth was wide open waiting for me


I was looking out the window with a blank expression watching the rain pour down. It's just like my feelings. Moody and dark, I feel like the storm is crying with me. The liquid slowly dripping down the all to clear window; the bright lights of city streets contrasting against the dark gray

I heard a rabid beat of a heart monitor, I quickly looked over to see Chris having his back arched his eyes were open but it was rolled to the back of his head as he was screaming loudly. He then started thrashing around like he was fighting something. I immediately ran over to his bedside, touching him trying to get him to calm down. I quickly retracted my hand from his skin that a was way over a boiling temperature

Suddenly, he stopped his thrashing; his whole body going limp - his heart monitor going flat. Doctors came rushing in going to his bedside, I shook out of my shocked state

"Chris!" I yelled trying to touch him once more; unfortunately a nurse started pushing me out the door. I saw the doctor put the defibrillators on his chest before yelling clear

"Sir, I'm going to need you to leave," She said pushing me out the door

"Chris!" I yelled again but the door was shut in my face, I banged my fist on the door crying loudly ignoring the people staring at me. I went over to the giant glass window watching as they continued and tried to revive Chris

My friends came rushing over to me

"Terrance what happened!?" Asked Shelly worried. She looked over; her eyes going wide, "Oh my god," she whispered putting her hand over her mouth

The doctors stopped; looking over at his heart monitor and seeing it wasn't beeping. I could hear clearing what they were saying, and those words had me frozen to the brim

"Time of death March 24, 1987 at 6:02 PM,"

I stood there frozen in shock. I couldn't believe what was happening, he couldn't be dead. I didn't want to believe it and I couldn't, I was numb. So numb that everything just blurred out. I felt like I was under water, the deafening sound rushing past my ears. I didn't know what to do

I quickly ran down the hallway and out of the hospital ignoring the pleads of my friends behind me. I pushed opened the door running out into the rain getting my clothes soaked; my hair clinging to my face. I ran and ran 'till I couldn't run anymore. I finally came to the place where I always use to take Chris

Hill Valley

I walked over sitting down at the edge watching the trees below. The rain pouring down on me; They say the rain can wash away all the pain, to provide comfort from the real world. Rain can always match your pain which makes you think about what you could've done different. It makes you think of the different outcomes of a worse situation. Why does it makes us feel this way? I wish I could've done something different.

I closed my eyes letting the rain pour on top of me,

I'm so sorry Chris

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now