Chapter 10

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I sat there in the uncomfortable hospital chair while Terrance leaned against the hospital's bed board caressing Chris's hand in the process, I looked at the clock on the far side of the wall to see it read 10:28 PM

I sighed knowing visiting time is over in 15 minutes tops. I sighed looking over at Terrance wondering how I'm gonna talk to him. I didn't realize that me and Terrance were fighting a-lot, which I didn't know it affected Chris in a way that it made him uncomfortable. I always thought that me and Terrance would just break apart because of the fighting - I didn't like fighting with my own son but sometimes he makes my anger shoot through the roof

"Terrance," I said grabbing his attention. He looked at me before reverting his eyes downwards,"Can I talk to you in the hall for a minute?" I asked him

He looked over at Ashlynn, she gave him a reassuring smile nodding her head before making a shooing motion for us to go out in the hall. He slowly got up before walking past me going out into the hall, I gave Ashlynn a nervous smile before shutting the door

I looked at Terrance seeing him rubbing his arm while his gaze was trailed to the floor,

"Dad, I'm so-," He started but, I cut him off

"There's no need to say sorry, I already forgave you because I know one of yours friends set you up to this; even though you dumbly agreed to go along with it," I told him, his gaze still focused on the floor like it was the most appealing thing in the world

"I know, I regret everything. It wasn't my intention to hurt him like I did," He explained making eye contact with me, "At all for that matter,"

"I know you regret it, we all make mistakes in our life. It's just human nature. Sometimes we do things without thinking. You weren't thinking about the aftermath of the situation and what could go wrong. You're only a kid, kids do dumb stuff," I explained to him

I pulled him into a hug running my fingers through his brown hair. He clutched my shirt into his hands whilst burying his head into my shirt. I sat there hugging him; I was really trying to get back on good terms with my son. I was very hurt when he flinched away from me after hours of the incident when I was very mad at him

"Dad...I'm sorry," He said in muffled words

"Please stop saying sorry," I chuckled at him still running my hands through his hair smiling a-little. He may be 15 on the outside, but, he still acts like a baby on the inside. I tightened my hold around him missing the feeling of being this close, I didn't want to push him away, and I didn't want to fight with him anymore.


I sat there laying in this hospital bed staring out the window watching the orange and yellow splash colors of the sun as it was setting making it look peaceful, me and FredBear always watch the sunset around this time; just to get away from it all. I hope Dad and Terrance are on good terms because everytime I see them they're always yelling and bickering at eachother

With that on my mind I drifted off to sleep

I slowly opened my eyes to see I'm back in my bed? I slowly sat up in my bed looking around the room, I jumped at the sound of an alarm clock going off. I looked to my left to see it's 12:00AM, I found a flashlight on the bed stand. I grabbed it turning it on looking around the room

I heard a creak, startled, I pointed the direction of the flashlight to my closet to see the door moved a-little. I slowly got out of my bed walking over to the closet, I shined my flashlight; only to see a Nightmare Foxy snap his jaws with a growl. I quickly closed the closet out of pure terror, my heart pounding inside of my chest

I opened the door again but, to only see a plushie of the red fox. I quickly moved away from the closet out of fear. I'm really terrified at this moment, I don't know what to do right now. My breathing became raggid from the pressure.

I looked behind me, I didn't see anything. I turned back around, only to point the flashlight's direction to the right door; I ran over to the door creeping it open. I shined my flashlight down the hall, yet, I saw Freddy standing in front of the door; staring at me with his teeth bared. I closed the door trying to get my breathing under control. I opened it back up shining the light again; he was gone. I ran back to my stop at the foot of the bed, the flashlight tightly in my grasp. I heard shuffling behind me, I turned around to see the little nightmares screeching. The light illuminated their golden/silver eyes, their sharp teeth glistening in the light. They disappeared one by one before I turned around

Only for Nightmare Freddy to hoist me up opening his jaws

I woke up with a jolt gasping for air. I looked around the hospital room to see my family looking at me with worried faces. I heard the erratic beat of my heart monitor echoing across the almost empty room. My mother came over to me

"Chris are you okay?" She asked me with worry

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine, just another nightmare," I replied trying to regain my breath

I hope these nightmare go away soon. I don't think I can handle anymore of these nightmares. I hope I can convince Terrance that I can sleep in his room until these nightmares are over, I usually have Dad to come hold me until I fall back to sleep. I always wake up again and see Dad holding me very tight whilst he slept soundly in my bed beside me. I'm sure Terrance won't mind if I ask him. I looked over to see Terrance and my Dad standing by the doorway. I hope they are on good terms. I keep hoping for stuff and wishing they would come true, I only think hope is something that never exists because some people hope for things and then realize that it never did come true

I would only realize that things in life would never be easy for me. Unless I have to fight for things in life, also to experience and go through heart aches, the door creaked open and I saw the nurse pop her head through the door. She was beautiful, her black hair was in a neat bun with stray hairs framing her face, her eyes were ocean blue with a lighter shade around the iris, her skin was a rich olive which complemented her soft features

"Excuse me, visiting time is over," she said, her tone light

"Alright just gives us a minute," My Dad replied before she gave us a warm smile before exiting the room; closing the door with a soft click. My family walked over to me eveloping me into a giant hug. I really love my small family because I'm really glad that they're here for me, I know all families doesn't support eachother like they suppose to do.

"We'll come visit you when we can," I heard Mom say before they all separated from me giving me soft smiles

"See ya later bro," Terrance said before ruffling my hair smiling

"You too," I told him before he walked over to Dad. They all walked out of the room one by one, my Mom was the last one to leave the room

"Goodnight sweety," She said smiling

"Goodnight Mom," I replied back to her, she walked out of the room softly closing the door behind her

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now