Chapter 16

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I'm sitting on the wooden swing that was tied to a thick branch out in front of my house staring at the setting sun with glossy eyes. I won't let FredBear be taken away from me, I care about him way too much. He's basically my family, I know he has to go against his other half but I'm not ready for him to go against him.

I closed my eyes sighing deeply, letting the crisp air flow through. The wind tasseling my hair a-bit. I just want to live my life as a regular kid, is that too much to ask? Terrance made my life hell for these past 5 years. The constant torture, the bullying; it was just all too much. I sighed running my fingers through my hair while my other hand held FredBear

"Chris, you know this battle has to happen sooner than you think?" FredBear asked me

"It has to happen sooner or later right?" I asked in understanding. I know that we don't have much time on our hands. I have to get Terrance to invite his friends over on that night in which I have to convince my Father as well. I know he won't take it lightly considering he has major anger problems but, then again, he'll give me anything. But; trying to convince the father that has a death trap set out for my brother's friends, will not be a pretty sight. I have to talk to both of them

I don't know how I'm gonna do it, I have to figure something out. How is FredBear going to go against his other half if he's just a plushie? I don't know how that will be possible but I know FredBear will find a way, which will definitely suprise me if he does. I sighed getting off the wooden swing and started to trail back into my house, I opened the mahogany door walking inside. I shut it behind me with a soft click.

I suddenly heard muffled voices. I stopped to hear what the voices were saying, I still couldn't make out the words no matter how hard I tried to listen. I trailed over to living room window pulling back the curtains looking out. I saw the blond headed girl and Terrance talking; I know who Terrance's friends are but, I never saw or heard a female in their group when I was getting picked on

Maybe she's new?

Has she always been there?

Why am I just noticing?

I shook away the questions from my head that I wish I had the answers to. I suddenly felt like someone's watching me, I looked passed them to every Nightmare animatronic by the tree giving me evil grins, their teeth glistening in the setting sun. Their getting closer to killing me, I hate to say it but, this battle has to happen tomorrow

I closed my eyes and re-opened them to see they're gone. I closed the curtain backing away from the window. I have to talk to my Dad and Brother tonight.

"Chris, I know the nightmares are getting closer. Your right; it has to happen tomorrow," FredBear said to me in understanding

"I know. I have to get these nightmares to stop,"

I turned around and started walking down the hallway to Terrance's room. I walked into his room whilst walking over to his bed sitting down thinking about how I'm going to talk to them. My Dad won't be to happy but hey, it's worth a shot.

~Later That Night~

I sighed deeply ready to tell them. I'm a nervous wreck right now, my stomach was doing somersaults making my nervousness grow even bigger. I peeked my head around the corner to see my family sitting in the living room. Mom was writing in her journal with a concentrated look on her face, Terrance was engrossed in his phone typing profusely, and my Dad was flipping through channels

I sighed once more. Well, it's now or never. I walked into the living room as I climbed onto the recliner with it rocking slightly.

"Umm guys I need to discuss something with you," I said fiddling with my thumbs. I felt their gazes on me making me swallow a lump in my throat

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now