Chapter 9

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You want someone close. Someone to tell you you're okay. It will all be okay. But, it doesn't fix everything, and you end up bringing them down with you.
You wished they'd say the right words but, you don't know what those words are. You want them to give the support that you never learned to give yourself.
When your depressed, maybe you should just remain alone

You earned You

~Cyanide And Happiness~

Vincent walked over to Chris's bedside after grabbing another chair before sitting down staring at him with swirling blue eyes. Terrance was still asleep which is a good and bad thing. He know when Terrance wakes up, he will be a blabbering mess. He doesn't want that, he doesn't want Terrance to explain how sorry he was. He already knew that from the get go, Terrance shouldn't pile the blame on his shoulders. It would only weigh him down until he can't hold it anymore. It's his fault but, not entirely

"How are you feeling?" He asked Chris while staring at him, Chris looked down playing with Terrance's hand before speaking

"I'm doing fine...sorta," He said with a quiet voice, "Well, except for the Nightmares," He replied quietly

Vincent heard about Chris having Nightmares and would always find him screaming when he woke up from them, he sometimes would clutch onto Vincent until he could fall back to sleep again - it tore at his heart. He talked to Ashlynn about it and she was also thinking the same thing. She would hear Chris mumbling to himself about how Freddy always manages to find him somehow

When his birthday came around, Vincent always had a bad feeling about the place, he didn't want Chris to celebrate his birthday at a place where it gives him nightmares. Chris suggested that maybe he can overcome his fears of the animatronics but, it seems that he didn't want to go near them no matter how hard he tried to convince himself about overcoming his fears

Soon he just gave up on the idea. Vincent's eyes faded back to white before sighing bouncing his knee in irritation. He was irritated at himself because he couldn't help Chris - he can't stand sitting there knowing Chris was afraid, afraid of going back to sleep, and afraid of the animatronics. He didn't know how to help him; he thought it was pathetic that a father like himself couldn't help his own kid it not?

"I was hoping that your nightmares would go away soon," Vincent said with melancholy laced in his voice

"It's okay Dad, they will go away eventually," He said with a small smile, hoping to convince his Dad to just let it go. He was also trying to convince himself too, mostly,

"I know, I just don't want you straining yourself by staying up all night afraid of going back to sleep," Vincent replied slouching down in his seat

"You worry too much, It'll be fine Dad, I just need time s'all," He said before closing his eyes snuggling more closer to Terrance's side making him stir a-little, but didn't wake up

Ashlynn smiled a-little while caressing the top of Chris's hand. She was happy that Chris was willing to let the nightmares go on until he grows out of it. It will sure be a long time before he does, he's only a child right now. But they will eventually stop once that time comes. She was thinking about not letting him go back to the pizzeria because it will only make the nightmares worser than they already are. She wasn't risking it, at all,

Terrance slowly opened his eyes to a blinding light, he looked around the room before his eyes landed on his Mom who looked at him with a sad smile

"I see your awake Terrance," his Mom said in a soft voice. She knows that Vincent wasn't happy about what he did back in the pizzeria

Ashlynn looked over at Vincent to see he's looking at Terrance with hurt and forgivness on his features. She can tell that Vincent wasn't going to stay mad any longer. Sometimes you just have to forgive and forget just so you can move on in life

If Chris can forgive Terrance, Vincent can too

"Terrance," said Vincent with strain in his voice; Terrance looked behind him to see his Father sitting in a chair beside him. From where Terrance was laying, his Father looked extremely tall while hovering over him deadly staring at him with his white eyes, "Please don't start your blabbering, I already forgave you for what you did but, maybe we could put this behind us?" Vincent replied with his voice wavering a-little

"Dad," Chris said calling his name quietly but, loud enough to hear; Chris's gaze locked onto Vincent's, "I don't like you and Terrance fighting because it has been going on lately,"

Vincent didn't know that it affected him that much. Over the pass couple of weeks, all Terrance and Vincent did was fight. One time it got so bad that Chris had to push Vincent back to avoid punches being thrown. Chris never liked his family fighting because it will just crumble the family bond that they had with eachother

He just hope this will all blow over soon,

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now