Chapter 17 - (Nightmare Battle Pt. 1)

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I felt something wet poking my cheek and hot breath fanning them also. I smiled loving how warm it is, I grabbed the thing that was closest to me and brought it close snuggling my face into this soft like substance. I felt fur?

My eyes slowly opened to only meet a yellow chest. I looked up to meet a pair of Turquoise colored eyes. I quickly got up scrambling off the bed and onto the floor. I closely looked at the figure, which is a yellow bear with lighter shades of yellow. Wait a minute. I know that purple bow-tie from anywhere

"FredBear?" I asked in confusion looking at him. He was about 6ft.4 with very soft looking fur, his black claws were short but very sharp.

"Yup, it's me," He said before running his hands over his face. He's just surprised as I am; He looks kind of different from what I can tell. How is my family is going to react to this! How am I suppose to tell them that I have a 6ft. bear standing in the middle of the room? They will be just as surprised

"Oh, Fuck," I mumbled under my breath

"Language," I heard FredBear say with a chuckle. He walked over to me, completely towering over my small frame making me look completely venerable at this state, "How are we gonna tell your parents about this?" He asked me twirling a piece of my hair around his finger

"I'm not really sure to be honest," I answered truthfully. I heard a shrilling scream come from the door. FredBear immediately pulled me into his chest growling at the figure that was standing at door. I looked over and saw Mom with a terrified look on her face. I heard approaching footsteps running down the hallway approaching the room as well

"Ashlynn what's wr-" I heard my Dad start until his eyes landed on FredBear who was still holding me in his tight grip, "Chris, what the hell is that?" Dad asked me in fear which I hardly ever hear from him

"I'm FredBear,"

"Oh my god it talks!" I heard my Mom yell while backing up slightly, "Chris what are you doing touching that thing?" Mom continued. I'm surprised that they didn't notice the similarities between him and the plushie. They should know since I carried him around everywhere I went.

"Mom you don't see the difference? He's the plushie I always carried around," I told her. Her face conjured up in confusion; I know she has to wrack her brain. She should remember since she bought him for me on my 2nd birthday. I was so happy, I use to cry when he was taken away from me. I felt a connection to him when he was around me. Like my soul was connected to his

When he wasn't around me, I yearned for him. He was my only comfort from the things that was going on around me. I really want him to stay in his new form, He can actually hold me when I'm feeling down. I know it will take some time getting use to this new form, I'm really worried; I have a feeling something very bad is about to happen to him. Just thinking about it makes my heart clench in fear. If he's gone, will the connection snap between us?

"Oh," I heard Mom say understanding, "How did he get in this form?"

"It happened overnight," I heard FredBear reply answering her question. He still had me close to his chest like he's protecting me from something. The Nightmares are coming closer, I feel them getting closer with every fiber in my body. I have a strange feeling that they are close

"Well umm FredBear, could you let go of Chris because your kinda holding him pretty tight," Mom said shyly putting her hands behind her back

FredBear let go of me, Mom was still suspicious about it. I understand that she sees a 6ft. bear that I use to carry around as a plush. I felt an unpleasant chill go through me. I heard a growl as well but it seems distant. I guess FredBear heard it too since he trailed over to the window pulling the curtains back looking out

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now