Chapter 6

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Chris had fell asleep not long after his talk with Terrance. Like most people say, just appreciate what you have and don't abuse it because sometimes you have to treasure the things that are in front of you

You can never really know what you have until it's gone

Terrance never believed in that phrase. He always thought that once it's gone, you don't need it anymore. What you have is what you cherish. Sometimes people see what they have and they don't cherish it, because once it's gone; they wish they had the things that they did have. Just like siblings, we love them, we hate them, we can't live with, or without them. You wish they were gone but at the same time you want them there. Terrance thought that pushing Chris away will benefit the life he has already. He realized that pushing him away was hurting both of them, he now realized the mistake he did and decided to just repiece that bond that was once broken

Terrence laid down beside him not wanting to leave the hospital room anytime soon. Knowing that his brother is still alive, he will not leave him. Terrance thought back to his friends; He didn't want to be friends with them considering Silence almost got his brother killed. Overall; he's been friends with them since 3rd grade but, also, he started picking with his brother just to act cool in front of them

It's settled, he does want to be friends with them but he's not agreeing on anything with them that will cause his little brother harm or gets him in trouble in the process. He definitely doesn't want to hear it from his parents

Especially his Dad

He smiled holding his little brother close to him making sure he doesn't slip away again. He heard a knock on the door that cut through the thick almost comforting silence

"Come in," he mumbled loud enough for them to hear

The door knob slowly turned as the door came open. Shelly walked through the door but it was only just her; where are the others? Her face held a look of sympathy while looking over at Chris who was asleep snuggled up against his side with his arm around Terrance's waist snoring softly. Shelly came over sitting down on the blue plastic chair with a grim look

"Terrance," She said quietly not looking in his direction, her green eyes looked so far away; it's like she's not focused or something

"Shell," He said grabbing her attention

Her eyes darted over to Terrance, looking panicked for a sec before she covered it up quickly clasping her hands in her lap

"I thought he flat lined?" She asked in confusion; she shook her head before speaking, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for-" She started

"Hey, it's okay, he's okay. He just woke up a few minutes ago," He said tangling his fingers in Chris's hair

"Oh," was her only answer before smiling softly, "It's a good thing he's okay or otherwise I wouldn't forgive myself if he actually would've-" She cut herself off because she didn't want to say the word. He pulled out his phone unlocking it. Terrance started to scroll through his contacts trying to find his Dad's number, he clicked on the caller ID putting it to his ear. He hope his Dad won't go yelling over the phone. It rang a few times before someone answered in a gruff voice

"What, Terrance," He answered with so much hatred in his voice, but he didn't let that get to him

"Dad, Chris just woke up a few minutes ago," He said through the phone

"CHRIS'S AWAKE!" He yelled so loud through the phone that he had to take it away from his ear. He put the phone back to his ear

"Yeah; he fell back to sleep though," he said looking over at Chris

"On my way," He said in a much calmer voice before the phone line went dead. Chris always been his Dad's favorite, he would always say that Chris keep staying up all night sitting on the floor in front of his bed. His face would be sickly white whilst frozen in fear of whatever that scared him; I laid my head on top of Chris's closing my eyes

There's no way I'm letting him go again

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now