Chapter 2

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It was the 4th member of the group who was nicknamed Silence since he doesn't talk much. He never really did, his words would only come out in hushed whispers

"How? He always keeps that tatty, fucked up bear with him all the time; He won't ever grow up," Terrance said with a hint of frustration lining his voice. He hates the way he clutches the bear to him like the plush is a prized possession. He tried taking it away from him but Chris would keep bothering him until he gives it back.

He remembers Chris kicking his privates once because he decided to write many vulgar words over the plush while keeping the bear out of his reach which resulted in Terrance getting into a huge argument with his father yet again despite being in extreme pain from the kick

"But we can make him grow up," said Silence emphasizing the word make. He grabbed the Bonnie mask slipping it onto his head - securing the thin black string, "When he ain't 'lookin,"

Terrance looked over at Chris who was sitting at the table talking to Iris still holding the bear in his hands glancing at it from time to time

"Let's go," Terrance replied slipping the Foxy mask over his head ignoring the terrible feeling of dread in his stomach


"Hey! Do you think he would want one of those plushtraps Chris?" Iris laughed looking at the shelves of stuffed animals

"I dunno, maybe," He said yawning loudly, laying his head on his hand trying to somewhat doze off but still trying to be aware of his surroundings

"Yeah, they're like a 1,200 tokens. I bet if we pull together we can get one," She said pulling her bag of tokens from her jacket pocket setting it on the table, "That might be fu-" She was cut off by Terrance and his friends surrounding Chris

"Hey, Happy Birthday loser!" Terrance spat at Chris, the Foxy mask right in front of him. Tears welled up in Chris's eyes

"S-stop it Terrance!" Chris whimpered clutching FredBear to his chest

"Yeah, Terrance stop it! He's gonna cry!" Mark laughed, the Freddy mask gleaming in the stage light

"Y-You freak me out Terrance, I'm gonna tell Mom," Said Chris trying his hardest to keep his tears at bay whilst Terrance started to tease and torment him. He snatched the bear out of his hand making Chris reach out and try to grab it making Silence grab Chris shoving him back in his seat, immediately, Terrance thought that was a-little harsh but he was too in the zone to care

"If you want to keep this stupid bear, you're not gonna tell Mom shit! You understand?!" Terrance yelled in his face. Iris couldn't just sit there and let Chris get bullied, so she decided to step up

"You guys are such jerks! It's Chris's birthday, leave him alone!" She yelled at him pushing Terrance in his chest. Mark grabbed her arm putting her in a choke hold position as she struggled but no avail

"Can it you little Bitch!" Silence spat at her, "I can't believe you need a girl to defend you,"

"It's hilarious," Terrance laughed, he grabbed his friend's knife  slicing the head off the Fredbear Teddy, Chris's eyes widened as he tried to grab it but; Terrance grabbed his arm before he can reach it, "Why don't we get him a closer look," Terrance suggested - Mark let go of Iris; stumbling forward, she turnend around giving him a scowl which he ignored

Chris was shaking with tears streaming down his face, the rest of the group grabbed a hold of him and started dragging him to the stage

"No please! I don't wanna go!" He pleaded with more tears spilling from his eyes

"Leave him alone!" Iris yelled but she was held back by Shelly. Iris struggled with all her might to get to him but to no avail. Frustrated tears welled up in her eyes from being so weak

"Come on guys, I think he wants to give Fredbear a big 'ol kiss!" Terrance tormented tightening his grip

"Leave me alone!" Yelled Chris but, they continued to ignore him despite his heavily pleas

He looked up at the big animatronic bear that he was now in front of. He was even more terrified to be up close, he always avoids it by never going to the stage. He tried going to it once hoping to not get scared, but as soon the animatronic started talking. He immediately whimpered and hid under the nearest table - he hid there until his mother found him. He never tried going to the stage again but now; it feels like déjà vu

Terrance and friends picked him placing him in Fredbear's mouth. He tried to push himself out but his head just wouldn't budge. His head stuck firmly behind the bear's teeth he was surprised no-one wasn't saying anything. Terrance and friends stood there laughing whilst Chris struggled to get down

"Please, Terrance I'm so scar-"


Chris's body went limp, blood started to slowly trickle down Fredbear's body and onto the stage. The stage started to quickly pool up with blood, The whole pizzeria went into chaos as parents started grabbing their children before rushing out. Terrance stood there in shock at the amount of blood

"C-Chris?" Iris stuttered tears streaming down her pale face and onto the checkered floor beneath her. She forced her body to move

Angry tears poured down her face she heavily pushed Terrance in his chest, "What did you do?!" She yelled in frustration

"Come on Chris stop 'fuckin around," Terrance replied trying to see if this was a joke, he wanted to see Chris hop down from Fredbear to see if this was all a joke

Terrance quickly tore off the Foxy mask dropping it on the floor trying to walk closer to the stage. He looked down to see he was standing in blood; there was so much blood it made him sick to his stomach. He couldn't believe it his brother's blood. He never knew this was going to go this far, he tried not show it and he tried not to cry because he believed it was a joke. But now he realized it wasn't - he realized his cruel actions towards his brother and wanted to take it all back. He wanted to take back the pain he caused him, he wanted to take it all back

Knowing the real world, he couldn't. He tried walking further to the stage but was pushed out of the way by his father, Vincent

"Chris!" He yelled quickly jumping up onto the the stage. He forcefully opened the bear's mouth before taking him out of Fredbear's mouth holding him, blood getting all over his shirt and pants

He dropped down onto his knees still holding him close, tears stained his cheeks holding the limp boy. Vincent didn't know what to feel nor could he believe this was happening. He was holding his own son that had a enormous gash in his forehead - he was afraid for Chris and he was afraid of losing him. He couldn't comprehend the situation no matter how hard he tried

Iris's sobs cut through the commotion as she felt her heart ache. Vincent's wife came rushing over frantically, when saw the amount of blood that was on the stage; she instantly felt her heart shatter, "Christopher!" She exclaimed in a distraught voice rushing over to where Vincent was holding him, her clothes quickly becoming stained

Terrance stood in the middle of the floor with his arms wrapped around his body staring blankly at the floor. His friends was worried for him since he hadn't said a thing, they knew he was in shock about the whole situation. They couldn't comprehend that Chris was in a life or death situation and Terrance just made the biggest mistake of his life and he promised to never physically harm Chris

He broke that promise that he swore he was never going to break

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now