Chapter 19 - (Please Stay)

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"Cause when unfold me, and tell me you loved me and look my eyes. You are perfection, my only direction,

I was just in shock at the blood that coated him. I quickly ran over to him crouching down ignoring the blood getting on my clothes. I put my hand on his stomach feeling the red liquid seep through my fingers coating my hands. There's so much blood, I was scared. I'm afraid of losing him; his breathing was shallow and I feel my connection with him breaking even more. The connection was barely there at this moment; I cradled the top half of his body trying to keep the connection with him. I didn't want to believe it, I try so hard not to think about it but I know it was true

FredBear's dying

"No please stay with me," I said rubbing my cheek against his. His eyes slowly opened looking at me, his eyes were bloodshot; the turquoise color was so dim that it looked dark green

"Chris the....connection is breaking. So fast," He said with a raspy voice. Tears continued to pour down my face. I wanted the pain to stop, I want to take it all away so he doesn't have to feel any of it. We both went through so much pain in our life, it feels like we don't have enough will power to move on. I won't be able to move on without FredBear, I won't be able to live without him. They say that pain takes time to move past and it will eventually. For me, the pain won't go away; it will not past because my other half will not be there

"These past years has been amazing with you. You're the only family I had," FredBear stated giving me a weak smile grabbing my small hand into his big furry one grasping it tightly trying very hard not to let go.

I leaned down leaning my forehead on his holding him very tightly. The tears is just an endless waterfall. He can't be taken away from me and he won't, he has so much to live for. I know he was a plushie at first but I didn't treat him as such; I treated him like family. The family that I had a real connection too, the connection was hanging on by the thread. I feel it inside my chest; it was dwindling little by little

"I love much Chris. I would do anything to save you, to keep you safe, to give you anything. You'll be fine without me,"

"No, I won't be fine. I can't live without you, you mean so much to me. You're all I have," I said clutching onto him, tears continuing to spill from my eyes that are probably red raw by now. I don't care how much of a baby I'm being in front of everyone

"Just live on, you'll be fine. I won't leave, I'll always be with you," he said cupping my cheek into his paw, "I love you, so much," He whispered slowly closing his eyes putting his hand back on his stomach. I feel so much pain. They will never realize the unbearable pain coursing through me. Fredbear wasn't just a plushie to me, he was my family and the only one who understands me. We had our ups and downs at times but we was still friends at the end of the day no matter how many times we disagreed on a certain topic. My heart can't let go of him, I loved him so much

Much more than a friend

You can call me disgusting, I don't care. I don't care what other people think of me, they can disown me for all I care. They can't stop who my heart belongs to, I have feelings for him. More feelings than anyone can imagine, they would think that I'm a kid that doesn't know the first thing about love. I can prove them wrong in so many different ways

I felt his breathing stop. My eyes widened, no no no. I lifted up my head looking down at his face. His eyes were closed

"FredBear," I said shaking him a-little. He didn't budge, "Fredbear please just....stay," I whispered hugging him closer rocking back and forth

"Chris honey," I heard my Mom say as I heard her footsteps approach me. I hugged FredBear very close not letting go. I felt the connection snap between us, it's so painful making me burst into tears. I felt my Mom's arms wrap around me trying to comfort me the best way she can, "It'll be okay dear," she replied rubbing my back

"He's never coming back Mom," I said crying even more still holding him close, I never wanted him to leave. He died protecting me, "Please come back to me," I whispered to him whilst caressing his cheek with the palm of my hand, "I love you so much,"

And I did love him. I loved the way he laughed when I told him something, I loved his caring personality, and I loved the way he always see the best in things. He protected me all these years, and I couldn't help but feel like it's my fault. I couldn't protect him when he needed me the most, I knew something bad was gonna happen when he fought Nightmare FB. Also; I couldn't help but hold him and never let go until I wanted to. I miss him already

"Chris, if you really love him, you'll let him go," My Mom whispered. I would never let him go. Why would Mom be saying this?

"I can't let him go I-"

"I know you love him. I know I wouldn't understand how deep your love is for him. You have to let him go," she whispered

I held onto him tighter feeling his body starting to become cold. I nuzzled my cheek into his trying to feel what's left of him. I may not know how this will end but, I can't let go of something that I love. I may never see him again; I will find my way to see him again

I felt Mom's hand slowly intertwining mines, feeling her thumb caress my knuckles in a soothing way. I looked in her direction with teary eyes seeing the serenity in hers as she smiled at me sympathetically

"Let him go," She whispered staring at me with her hazels. I tightly closed my eyes before slowly unraveling my body from his feeling the spark I had with him disappear almost instantly, "That's it Chris; let him go," She whispered once more. My blood soaked clothes clung to my skin as Mom pulled me away from him, away from the memories, away from the love. Mom held me from behind as she started rocking me back and forth whilst laying her chin on top of my head whispering sweet nothings in my ear

I reached out caressing his furry cheek with the back of my hand. I just felt numb. My mind couldn't process it all; it's like all the feelings just drained from me. I had no-more tears left to cry and no words left to say. All I can do his caress my hand against his cheek; I closed my eyes feeling myself become weaker by the second because I knew

Me and him were meant to be

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now