Chapter 3

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Terrance was sitting in uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting room. The place was dead silent saved from the clicking of computers. They rushed to the hospital as soon as they could - the doctors immediately rushed him to the ER. Vincent was pacing across the linoleum floors, Chris flatnined three times on the way to the hospital making the situation worse

It's been three hours since he was admitted and they were getting antsy. They heard footsteps come from the hallway and saw the doctor coming over but not before discarding the bloodied gloves and taking off his face mask. The family rushed over

"Is he gonna be okay?" Ashlynn asked in a desperate tone. The doctor sighed before speaking

"His frontal lobe was completely shattered and we had to surgically remove it. We stitched up his forehead as best we could but it's going to take a few months to heal. Without his frontal lobe he would not function as he normally would," The doctor explained

"Can you please elaborate on that?" Vincent asked

"One side of his body will be weak on one side and most of his emotions and functionality will be impaired. Most of our mobilty is controlled by the frontal lobe such as making decisions and using judgement. Most of his memories are lost. But, he was extremely lucky, we managed to stablize him but his breating is mostly controlled by the machine. We'll keep it on him until he can breath on his own. We would need to keep him in the hospital until then," The doctor explained before walking off


His heart monitor was beeping slowly whilst he was hooked up to many wires connecting to his arms. I was so happy that he was still alive but, there was one that was missing off of him

His Frontal Lobe

They say you can't survive without it, but I was surprised he lived, the doctor said he was considered as one of the few lucky ones. This was so stupid, I shouldn't did that stupid prank. I shouldn't went along with it, then, we wouldn't be in this situation right now

Why did I torment him?

Because he was a crybaby?

To impress my friends?

I really don't know honestly, I wanted to cry; I wanted to cry so bad but I had no tears to cry. I just felt hollow from the inside. Dad was standing by Chris's bed, just staring down at him; his white eyes didn't even blink once. His hands was balled into fists with a angered look on his pale features. He had dried tear streaks on his face which more tears spilled over the dry ones

I've never seen my father cry a day in his life. He always acted cold hearted around the house, he was always a man of a few words. He never showed emotion unless he really has to, he barely even smiles. Chris somehow manages to make Dad smile even the littlest bit. Mom was sitting in the far corner with her legs to her chest tears streaming down her face

He slowly looked over in my direction. His eyes held so much hatred right now, I could practically feel his anger radianting off of him. He stalked over into my direction until he right on the side of me staring me down making me terrified. His tall frame towered over me making me look small compared to him

He lifted up his hand, I instantly wrapped my arms around my head hoping to avoid the blow, but, it never came. I looked to see him hesitating for a moment before he sighed dropping his fist to his side. He sighed once more before turning around walking out of the room. I heard my Mom sniff before following behind Dad - softly closing the door behind her

I looked back at Chris to see he's slowly breathing, I grabbed his hand to see it's ice cold. That bear was sitting on the table beside with his head reattached? I could've sworn I cut the head off that thing. I shook away the thought before returning my gaze back to my brother with his skin ghostly pale

"Can you hear me?" I asked squeezing his hand a-little, "I don't know if you can hear me...I'm so sorry," I said silent tears streaming down my face squeezing his hand harder

I started to tangle my fingers into his brown hair. I smiled a-little, he would always smack my hand away before fixing his hair saying that I shouldn't touch it. It was a vauge memory that felt like it happened so long ago, I wish I can have that memory back.

"I wish I hadn't did that stupid prank," I whispered closing my eyes still tangling my hand into his hair feeling the soft strands between my fingers

I heard the door creak open to see all my friends walk into the room having sympathy over their faces. I know it was my fault but it was mostly Silence's fault for bringing up the idea but I had to be stupid and go along with it just to get a laugh out of it

I guess I'm the one who got the last laugh

"Terrance, I know it was-" Silence started

"No," I interrupted him focusing on Chris's heart monitor, "It was my fault too, I had to be stupid and go along with that fucking idea," I said continuing to run my hands through his hair hearing the heart monitor beep slowly

"Terrence, we are so sorry; we didn't know this was gonna happen," Said Shelly wiping her eyes.


She was never a fan of hurting Chris, she wanted to back out so many times but didn't want to be called a coward. When she first met Chris, he was so small and adorable and just wanted to hold him and now he was sitting a hospital bed. She wanted to hold him now more than ever and say how sorry she was but she knew, that sorry wasn't going to change what happened to him. Sorry was always a genuine and a fake word, some people say it like they care and some just use it to cover up their horrible mistakes knowing what it meant and how often people uses it. Now she understands that saying 'Sorry' to Chris, wasn't going to help


"Sorry is not gonna cut what we did guys," I whispered closing my eyes wishing this didn't happen, "Can you guys go, I wanna be alone right now," I whispered

"But-" Shelly started but I cut her off

"Just go," I said sighing

Without a word they all left the room. I laid my head on top of his hand started to close my eyes slowly falling asleep with the heart monitor echoing across the room

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now