Chapter 13

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~3 months Later~

It's been three months and I'm finally out the hospital. I had surgery and well, some of my memories are lost - some I don't even remember having. The doctor says I have to wait two more weeks before I have to go back to school and he said I would have headaches from time to time but, it's all part of the healing process. Now I just have a faded giant pink scar on my forehead.

Terrance had agreed of letting me sleep in his room until the nightmares died down a-bit. He hasn't really left my side either, he won't go a day without asking me if I'm okay. Terrance told me that he never wanted to push me away in the first place, he said that I mean everything to him and would do just about anything that makes me happy. The question is I don't want him to make me happy, I just wanted my Terry that I had long ago. I wanted my brother back; people would just push their siblings away knowing deep down they want them there

Some people accept it because they let their pride get the best of them instead of doing something about it. All people are ignorant and doesn't understand the concept of caring about someone else's feelings. That's the key about having a kind heart, you have to learn to let people like you because of your personality; not your actions

I sat in my room on the floor staring at the plushies sitting in front of me. Even though they disappeared in my dream, but, they are still here with me. I sat there staring at them with FredBear in front looking at me with his simple white dotted eyes. I smiled staring at him, I always cared for him the most; Atleast I know now that I won't be going back to that pizza place anytime soon.


Why do we have them?

Is it just the dark side of our minds?

Or does it come naturally?

We have nightmares because it's our fear of things in the world. You may seem that good things happened but otherwise it's just the bad of things. They may dream of something good but that good morphs into something bad because that's the truth and the reality behind those good things. They scream, shout, cry, wake up; their minds can't take the harsh reality of the situation

I learned that the hard way. The pizzeria used to be a good and fun place where kids can just yell and play to their hearts delight. Now, I witnessed the harsh reality of the once pure place, the nightmare animatronics tells it all. The place that use to be fun for me, isnt anymore because of the nightmares that came from it. Atleast Iris knows it; for now atleast.

I was still looking at FredBear. I found myself reaching out to him and grabbing him bringing him close to my chest running my fingers over his synthetic fur. He started to feel warm and his fur started to feel realistic to me. Until I felt arms wrap around me bringing me into it's form in a tight grip. I wrapped my arms back around him knowing it's FredBear that's hugging me. I layed my head onto it's chest closing my eyes smiling

"Your my family Chris," I heard FredBear say

"Your mines as well," I replied back to him


I opened my eyes to see that FredBear was still in my hands. It was all in my head, I guess I was just imagining things; just seeing things that's not there. I guess that's the side affect of the healing process. I felt a slight pain in my head, I brought my hand up to my forehead trying to sooth the pain. I got up off the floor taking FredBear with me going into Terrance's room. I walked into his room to see Terrance sitting on the bed on his phone, he looked up smiling but it went as quickly as it came when he saw me holding my head. He got up walking over to me

"What's wrong?" He asked me putting his hand on my forehead. I almost sighed in content from how cold his hand was. It felt comforting because I feel like my body is on fire

"Just a slight pain in my head s'all," I said walking past him and onto his bed sitting down

"You have a slight fever. You need to take your pills," He said walking out of the room to go get my pain medication. I layed down getting under the duvet bringing it up to my neck closing my eyes for a brief second. Even though I feel like I'm burning up, it sure is freezing in here. Or maybe it's just me

I heard footsteps and saw Terrance come back with two tablets and a glass of water. I sat up groaning whilst he handed me the glass and pills. I took them quickly while drinking down the water

"Hope you feel better soon," Terrance said taking the glass away from me. I laid back down closing my tired eyes, "Goodnight Chris," He said before turning off the lamp before getting in the bed beside me

I got a firm grip on FredBear while I had my eyes closed breathing rather slowly. I don't understand why but, a tear cascaded down my cheek. I've been feeling rather emotional lately, I think it's because of the pills I'm taking even though I don't know the side affects behind it

My life will get back on track eventually. Eventually I would have to face Terrance's friends again. But, I had a feeling that my Dad threatened them considering I haven't seen any of them for the past three months. I keep seeing that blond headed girl talking to Terrance outside the house

I don't know who she is and I'm not planning on finding out. FredBear's dotted eyes was the only thing I can see right now. I smiled grabbing his plushie like paw gripping it into my hand before slowly closing my eyes letting sleep over take me

(Chris x FredBear) I Got No Time [Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now