Bye 💔

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Alissa (Al)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Kade (K)
Logan (L)
Tanner (Ta)
Shawn (S)
Chad (Ch)
Teacher (Te)
Angel (An)
Pam (P)
Tessa (T)
Teacher (Te)
Dan (D)
Eric (Er)

Erika's pov

This my least and favorite time of the year. Christmas. I love it because well It's Christmas and everyone loves it but I hate it because I have to fly to Michigan by myself to see my dad. And there's the other problem my dads a heavy alcoholic so when he drinks a lot he gets physical. He's never hit me but he's tried to I know it's not his fault but I hate going to his house. We've had a hard relationship since my parents divorce he's always been a alcoholic but after the divorce his drinking grew. It's like he couldn't control it and my mom knows but I have to go over there because it's a holiday. My mom always tells me what to do if he tries to hit me then the rest of the plan. I laugh but I do remember it just incase. But the only plus is that it's the week before Christmas and it's only for the weekend. So it's Friday today and I have school but later tonight I have to leave. I have to tell Jake which I will do on the way to school because he's picking me up this morning. Anyways I got up this morning then took a shower. After I took a shower I got dressed then did my hair and makeup. Once I finished getting ready I walked downstairs and my mom handed me a plate of food and grabbed her's once Dan was home

An:Morning sweetheart
E:Morning mom why is dan home?
D:Wow good morning to you too
E:I didn't mean it like that
D:I know
An:But he's home because Dan got a promotion so he'll be working nights
E:Oh ok
An:Did you pack?
An:You have to leave at 8
E:Mom I know I'll do it later

We talked until I finished eating. Then a horn honked. I jumped up and threw my dish in the sink then ran to get my bag

E:Sorry Mom love you
An:*sighs* love you too

I buttoned my coat then got in the car with Jake

J:Hey Rik
E:Hi Jake

I grabbed Jake's face and gave him a long kiss then he started to drive

J:And good morning to you
E:*giggles* I have to tell you something
J:What's up?
E:I have to go see my dad this weekend before Christmas
J:Ok what's wrong then?
E:Well one he lives in Michigan also we have a bad relationship because of the divorce
J:Oh well we can be separated for 3 days
E:See that's the problem
J:*looks at Erika in confusion* explain

I started to tell Jake about my past with my dad and when I finished we arrived at school. We grabbed our bags and jake grabbed my hand then we started to walk into school

J:Since he's an abuser of alcohol do you want me to go with you?
E:What jake no that's ridiculous
J:Not really
E:I'm not gonna ask you to go to Michigan with me
J:But h-
E:Jake relax it's never been a problem before
J:*sighs* but call me first if anything happens

I smiled at Jake and we walked into school then walked to my locker. Jake stood behind me as I put my things in my locker

E:You know you have your own locker right?
J:Yeah but I don't use it
E:Whatever Jake

He kissed my neck then I closed my locker. I faced Jake then pulled his shirt to my face and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. Jake wrapped his arms around my lower back. We smiled in between our kiss then in the corner of my eye I saw Layla she glanced over at us then looked away fast. I laughed then pulled away from our kiss and I hugged Jake (Absolutely yes! She's petty I love it😂)-Neci❤ sorry my only side note

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