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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Angel (An)
Dan (D)
Tessa (T)
Pam (P)
Derek (De)
Mackenzie (M)
Anthony (A)
Chance (C)
Chris (Ch)
Tanner (Ta)
Delivery Man (De)

Erika's pov

It's been 4 days so now it was Thursday. Dani left last night and my mom and Dan were packing to go on their trip. Jake and I barley talked because of this 30 day shit but it's not like we could hang out at each other's houses because one of our parents were home. I still had to "date" Chris in school the only thing that kept me positive was Jake. I was gonna invite him over and seduce him to the point where he can't resist me. Yeah I'm not allowed to tease him or kiss back but I know he'll break and he'll tell me the challenge is over. The sound of footsteps woke me up followed by voices. I groaned then got out of bed and got ready. After my shower I got dressed then dried my hair and put it in a messy bun.

 After my shower I got dressed then dried my hair and put it in a messy bun

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Erika's outfit
(Instead of those earrings it's just plan gold hoops)

I opened the door to my mom and Dan running around the house trying to get their stuff together

E:Good morning to you too
An:Morning honey sorry were a little all over the place
E:I can tell why didn't you guys pack last night?
An:We just passed out
E:Oh ok
An:Do you want breakfast?
E:No I'll just grab a croissant from Starbucks
An:Ok sweetheart you look great today
E:Thank you
An:Here let's do hugs and goodbyes now because we're gonna be in Florida
E:Ok bye Mom have fun
An:I love you
E:Love you too

My mom gave me a long hug then I grabbed my bag and got in my car. I drove to Starbucks and ordered my regular coffee and a croissant. As I drove to school I ate my food and drank my coffee. I found Tessa then I put my stuff in my locker while we talked

T:Hey Rik
E:Hey T
T:You look great today
E:I feel great
T:Is it because of Saturday
E:I guess
T:What else E?
E:You know how he's doing this 30 day bullshit
E:Well my parents are going on a trip to Florida for a few days so I thought I would invite him over and you know seduce him to the point where he would just forget about the challenge
T:Ok Rik
E:What you don't think it'll work
T:Come on do you not know Jake he's not gonna give up that easy
E:Sure but it's worth a try

Jake walked into school wearing adidas joggers with a white shirt and watch on. His hair was perfectly gelled like always. I smiled at him then me and Tessa walked to class.

Jake's pov

This challenge was incredibly hard but it was fun to see Erika desperate. I know in the end it'll be worth it. I dream about the day I can kiss her and call her my girlfriend again. My dream was rudely interrupted by a loud bang. I groaned then got up and went downstairs to see what it was.

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