Self Worth

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Angel (An)
Dan (D)
Tessa (T)
Pam (P)
Derek (De)
Mackenzie (M)
Anthony (A)
Chance (C)
Chris (Ch)
Dani (Da)
Receptionist (Re)
Christine (Chr)
Sydney (S)

Jake's pov

I woke up this morning later then I usual would. It was almost 10 so I got out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was at the table reading the newspaper

P:Morning honey
J:Morning Mom
P:You missed breakfast
J:Yeah why didn't you wake me up
P:I just figured you needed some sleep
J:Oh that was nice
P:I know right
J:Can I have oatmeal
P:Of course we also have fruit in the fridge

I made myself breakfast then ate while I talked to my mom.

P:What are you doing today
J:I'm gonna go on a run then relax today
P:That's good
J:Where's John
P:He went grocery shopping
J:Wow that's surprising
J:I'm sorry it just comes out
P:Did you take your medicine
J:I'll do it after breakfast
P:Ok sweetheart

I finished breakfast them cleaned my plate and took my medicine. I walked upstairs and changed to go for a run. Before I left I grabbed my headphones and a water

J:Bye mom
P:Have fun

I walked outside and started my run while I listened to music. By the time I got home I didn't even realize it was almost 1. I guess I just was focused on my music that I didn't realize what time it was

P:Jake where were you
J:I was running I guess I lost track of time
P:Jeez can you not do that again
J:I'm sorry
P:It's fine

As I walked upstairs my mom stopped me

P:I'm going out with Sydney tonight for Christine's birthday
J:Oh ok
P:You should come
J:Is John going
J:I'm asking
J:Then why do I have to go
P:Because Your her friend
J:But I have something to do tonight
P:Like what
J:I was um gonna hang out with the boys and eat tonight
P:What time
P:Can't you cancel
J:Um it's just they need to tell me something and they can't tell me I School
P:When will you be done
J:Probably 9 or so
P:Be at the Italian restaurant after you hang out with the boys
J:Yes! Thank you Mom
P:Your welcome
J:Love you
P:Love you too now go shower you smell

I walked upstairs and took a shower. After I showered I put shorts and a shirt on then went on my computer to pass my time

Erika's pov

I woke up this morning to someone poking me and whispering my name in a faint childlike voice

Da:Erika! Erika!

I rubbed my eyes and I realized that it was Dani

E:Omg what are you doing here

I got out of bed and hugged her tightly

Da:I came to surprise you
E:Aw how long are you staying
Da:We're off school a few days in Michigan so I'll be here until Wednesday
E:That's great is it just you
Da:Yeah dan came and got me
E:It's great to see you
E:How are you
Da:I'm good you
E:Great now
E:Let's go get breakfast

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