The Truth

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Jake (J)
Erika (E)
Alissa (Al)
Chance (C)
Anthony (A)
Kade (K)
Logan (L)
Tanner (Ta)
Shawn (S)
Chad (Ch)
Teacher (Te)
Angel (An)
Pam (P)
Tessa (T)
Teacher (Te)
Dan (D)

Erika's pov

It's the weekend well Friday but the squad was gonna come over to Jake's house so we could all hang out since Pam is out of town for a little. Also I haven't told Jake about the pregnancy and abortion yet because I'm nervous of what he'll do or think. Tessa tries to make me but I always back down. Chanthony's tried to tell Jake but I stop them before they can. Then theirs the part where I reject Jake every time we try to have sex I blamed the raping and Jake respected that. But the truth was that it wasn't the only reason I've started to feel really self conscious and I don't remember the last time I looked in a mirror. I go running sometimes because that makes me feel better but the thought always comes to my mind. I still eat I just started to wear more comfortable clothes but it is winter so it's not that big of a deal. I got up this morning and took my shower per usual then got dressed

 I got up this morning and took my shower per usual then got dressed

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Erika's outfit

I dried my hair then curled it and grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. I sat down at the counter and my mom handed me a plate with food

An:Morning Rik
E:Morning Mom
An:How did you sleep?
An:Your outfits cute
An:You've been wearing a lot of comfortable clothes then usual what's up?
E:Fine every since the abortion I've been really self conscious
An:Aw baby why?
E:I don't know it's just I am
An:Have you told Jake?
E:No he doesn't even know about the pregnancy or abortion
An:Rik you didn't tell him?
E:You told me not to
An:I thought you would
E:I think I'll do it later today because the guilt is eating me alive
An:But how wouldn't he know because aren't you guys?
E:See that's the thing no because every time I say it's because of the incident
An:Omg Erika you need to tell him
E:Yeah I know I just gotta get through today then I'll do it later
An:Ok sweetheart
E:Also I'm going straight over Jake's so we can do homework before the squad comes over to hang out
An:Alright now eat
E:*laughs* ok

After I ate breakfast I said bye to my mom then grabbed my bag and left

E:Bye mom
An:Bye Rik don't forget to tell Jake
E:I won't I love you
An:I love you to bye

When I got in my car I played music and drove to school. Once I arrived to school I walked into school and went to my locker. I started to put my stuff away and I felt Jake's warm arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Jake laid his head on my shoulder and I held his hand

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