*Jayon's POV*
"Thank you Gramma," I tell her, giving her a long hug. She had given me another chain, but in a different color with golden letters on it that spelled out Unforgettable, it was beautiful.
"Ofcourse baby," she says taking a seat back on her sofa. "What's been going on?
"A lot G-ma," I shake my head. "I've been dealing with this one girl for awhile though, and I think it's time for y'all to meet,"
"Jayon, you've never brought a girl home to me before," her face glistens. She was happy for me, more than happy.
"I know, I know," I tell her, looking at my pants. "I never felt like I would need too. I never thought I'd be so infatuated with one person for longer than 2 weeks,"
She shakes her head, smacking her lips.
"I'd love to meet her though, it would be the perfect time actually," she says, coughing a bit."You okay G-ma?" I ask her, rushing to her side to rub her back.
"Yes baby, my throats just a bit dry," she says.
"Oh okay, well I could get you some water," I offer, watching her as she nods.
I made my way to the kitchen, looking around to see all my favorite types of meat, scattered around her small counters. She had ham, chicken, turkey, meatloaf; almost everything you could name. Cooking had always been her specialty, but I guess this year she didn't feel like throwing down like she usually would have.
I assumed my mother would be in charge of all the other foods, our family was part Puerto Rican so she had to make sure every food choice was going to be available to eat.
People wouldn't start to arrive to my grandmas until dark, because that was the time the fireworks would be starting.
"Gramma, it's looking good in here," I called out to her. I had poured her glass of water, making sure it was cold enough for her taste buds. She hated warm water.
"Here you go," I say walking back into the living room, handing her the glass while she smiled at me.
"Take a seat," she said to me, drinking from her glass slowly.
I sat, playing with the new chain she had just given me.
"What is this girls name?" She asked.
"No, her real name."
"Grandma, what? How do you know it isn't Dj?" I grin. I never felt comfortable using Dj's real name every since the day she told me why she hated it. I remembered being so confused about why she never told me, and when she did I knew I was getting somewhere with her.
"Because, I'm not stupid. Now, what is this girls real name?"
"Dessence," I answered. I couldn't disrespect my Grandma by not telling her the truth, especially after all she had done for me.
"How beautiful is that?" My grandma laughed. "Dessence,"
"She doesn't like her real name, she would never let me call her that,"
"That's ridiculous, how couldn't you love a name like that? I'm sure she's just beautiful,"
"She is gramma, but please when you meet her don't call her Dessence,"
"She's gonna have to get over the fact that she has a negative side to her name. We all have a negative and positive side to us, that girl needs to be reminded of how positive her name is,"
"I tried to change her mind about it before, she wasn't tryna hear me though," I sigh.
"Well, I'm older and much wiser than the both of you combined, I'll make her think twice about rejecting such a beautiful name like that," my gramma drinks the rest of her water with a gulp, putting the glass on a small table. "When will she be coming over?"
I shake my head. My grandma was so persistent in wanting things to go her way, she had always been like that. I'm sure that's where I got it from, because my mother was the complete opposite.
"I'm not sure. Today is her mother's birthday, I was suppose to bring her to meet you earlier but the argument I had with my mother had gotten me so side-tracked," I rolled my eyes at the petty confrontation.
"You had an argument with your mother? Now you know better Jayon. You're not suppose to ever argue with your mother," my grandma says, pointing a finger at me like I was a child.
"I know, grandma I know. But she was being unreasonable,"
"She might have been, but that doesn't mean you argue with her,"
"Ugh," I groan. Women these days.
"Speaking of your mother, where is she with the rest of the food? It's almost 4,"
"Gramma our family don't come around till at least 7. She'll be here with Jasmine,"
"I know. And when she does, I don't want to hear her yelling at you,"
"You might. The way I left home guaranteed a yelling session for the next time she seen me,"
"Grandma I'll make sure she doesn't do it inside your house, that's disrespectful,"
"Thank you," she tells me, trying to stand to her feet. I got up to help her stand faster, her grip on my arm had tightened when she rose.
"I always get weak around this time, I was perfectly fine earlier," she tells me.
"I know you were; cooking all of that meat. You're exhausted, I think you need to rest for tonight. You know how our family can get when we're all together," I laugh at the thought.
"Oh I do, especially your younger cousins," she shakes her head. "Make sure the jumper is blown up, I don't want them playing in here,"
"I got you grandma," I tell her. She had let go of my arms and began to walk down the hallway to her room.
After I filled the jumper with air, I would go see Dj. I missed her and I knew she missed me too. Hopefully she wasn't doing anything important.

RomansYour average teenage story about the relationship between 2 opposite pairs..or is it really average?