Jayon had pulled me to the front of the apartment where people were still around. I didn't get the point of us moving to an area where there were still people present. It seemed like he wanted to cuss at me in private, but had no where to go because there was no private area here.
He looked around us for a awhile. His eyes had landed on a group of girls that stood outside the apartment. Their eyes were pierced on us.
"Who are they?" I ask him.
"Some girls," he says, pulling me farther from the apartment.
"Jayon stop pulling me. If you wanna talk to me about what just happened then go ahead! There's nothing you can say because I don't regret it at all," I said crossing my arms.
"That's fine, but it doesn't make sense for you to come to this shit to make a scene."
"I didn't come here intentionally to make a scene. That girl asked for it, and apparently she knew you well,"
"Well yeah, I know all of them. But what did she do to you to make you wanna choke her out?"
"She basically told me that y'all had history," I said looking away from his face. I was disgusted with him, I had kissed him multiple times without even knowing where his mouth had been. It didn't matter that he may have ate out girls, but THAT girl did not deserve him. Not at all. None of the girls in his past did if I was being totally honest.
"Oh," he said, looking back to the group of girls that had been pointing at us.
"What the fuck are they looking at?" I ask loudly. The weed had definitely kicked in, I was way more prepared and eager to get into fights with people than I'd ever been before.
One of them walk towards us while the other two stood in the same spot, pretending to look away while sipping on their drinks.
"Damn it," Jayon said under his breath. I was getting irritated with him. He was barely focused on talking to me. I felt like he had been drinking from the way his eyes looked.
"Who is she?" I ask him quietly. He ignored me though.
"Hey again Jayon," the girl chirped, leaning towards him for a hug. I tried not to make eye contact with the new girl.
"What do you want Amira?" He asked, declining her hug immediately. I laughed on the inside, quickly realizing that she was another one of Jayon's past experiences, a very important one I might have added.
"Just came to see if you were okay, whose this?" She looked at me up and down.
"I'm sure you know," Jayon answered.
"I'm Dj," I told her. Her eyes widened at my name. I put my hand out for a hand shake but she ignored it. I was only trying to be...oh yes, petty. I knew the girl clearly still had feelings for him, it was obvious by the way she tried to hug him.
"This is Dj?" She asked, looking at Jayon again.
"That's her," he grinned.
"What's so amusing?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Nothing," he said.
"I've heard...a lot about you," Amira tells me. "However you're not what I expected he'd be so sprung over,"
My blood began to boil. Girls at this party were all begging to be choked today. "Interesting, cause all I heard about you was that he fucked and dipped," I said.
"Whoa, whoa, Dj?" Jayon spoke, pushing me behind him.
Amira didn't move an inch though. All she did was give me a suspicious smile. "She's adorable," she spoke to Jayon as if I were an animal.

RomansaYour average teenage story about the relationship between 2 opposite pairs..or is it really average?