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After awhile things began to die down at the carnival. Me and Jayon had spent the majority of our time on the Ferris wheel, while Amber and Vincent played booth games.

I realized that Amber actually knew how to take care of herself while she was pregnant, I had doubted her of course but who wouldn't have? She was Amber for crying out loud. She did anything she wanted too, and keeping this baby had obviously been her main priority.

Her and Vincent really did enjoy each others company, and it made me happy to see her happy. She hadn't been fully happy in a while.

"It's cold up here," Jayon spoke, taking me away from my thoughts about Amber.

"Yeah it is," I say wrapping my arm around the front of his stomach. This moment was so special to me.

"I'm glad I got to spend time with you today, I know I may have reacted badly earlier but it's only because I know what having a baby at a young age can do to a person, still I have to think about the kind of person Amber is before I assume she can't have a child," Jayon said to me, his arm had been around my neck and he was speaking quietly.

"Jayon, have you gotten someone pregnant?" I ask, afraid of the answer. I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked deep into his eyes, trying to figure out if he was about to lie.

He hesitated before speaking, letting out a big sigh. "I did," he told me.

My heart dropped, but I didn't let it show. I just stared at him, waiting for him to explain himself.

"I was 14, it happened the first time I had sex with a girl. She was also 14. She went crazy after awhile and that's when I left her. No 14 year old should have to go through the responsibility of having a child the first time they have sex. You know, she loved me and I think she still does, which is why she never told me she was pregnant. But I knew the signs, she was getting bigger, attitude was getting worse, throwing up a lot, all of that kind of shit. I knew she was pregnant even though she never told me, and I guess when I left her she got it aborted," he says, rubbing his eyes hard. It looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't want to cry in front of me. It seemed like he was just now realizing that he had a child of his own and now it was gone.

"How do you know she aborted it?" I ask him.

"I don't know exactly, I just know the last time I saw her we didn't speak about it, I didn't think it was necessary,"

"When was the last time you seen her?" I ask, just as we get to the bottom of the Ferris wheel. The guy had pulled the lever to stop us and opened the door, waiting for us to leave the ride. We both stood up, jumping out of it. Jayon closed the small door to it and nodded at the man. He gave a thumbs up as he started to accelerate the ride again.

"Uh anyways," he began as we started walking away; "I seen her not that long ago. It was during the time me and you weren't talking, that's why I didn't tell you about her,"

"So she was your first?" I ask.

"Very first,"

"And she never told you she was pregnant?"

"Never, I think she didn't because she thought I would leave her. Which is fucked up because I still left. I spent a lot of time with her and I know I broke her heart, she didn't really deserve that either," he spoke.

"Did you tell her that when you last saw her?" I ask.

"Kind of, I have a feeling she knows I'm sorry anyway. But, she was the one that made me start talking to you again, she knew I was infatuated with you,"

"Really?" I smile slightly. That's selfless, I bet she's so sweet,"

"I guess," he rolls his eyes.

"Well how did you guys see each other again?"

"One of the apartment parties, the same one we were at when we first met,"

"Wow," I say opening my eyes widely. "That's a coincidence,"

"Tell me about it,"

"What's her name?"

"Dj you've asked too many questions. You're just gonna end up over thinking shit,"

"No, I just wanna know her name. I probably know her,"

"You don't, she didn't go to Canyon," he says.

"I don't think that matters,"

"It does,"




"It does Dj," Jayon says. I could tell he was starting to get annoyed.

"You act like I only know people from Canyon,"

"I'm not acting like anything, I know you only know people from Canyon,"

"You met me at a party Jayon not at a fucking high school. Don't pretend like you've known me my whole life," I tell him. Now I was starting to get annoyed.

"I haven't but I know for a fact if I say her name you won't know her,"

"Then say it and let me find out!" I shout, looking around to make sure I wasn't causing another scene. He was always making small shit into a big deal, and that bothered me. All I wanted to know was the girls name and he acted like I was asking for her social security number. That's how I knew he was trying to keep me from knowing who she was.

"It's time to go," he told me, making me even more angry.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know who the girl is,"

"See! That's exactly why I'm not telling you because you're going to try to be a damn detective to figure out if she ever gave up my child, well you know what? Fine, go the fuck head, but when you figure it out don't tell me shit, I don't wanna know," he spazzes, throwing his hands up and walking away from me once again. I hated when he did that.

"Jayon!" I yell after him, speed walking to match his pace.

"Her names Amira, Amira fucking Bradley," he finally reveals.

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