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"Dj," Amber's voice had sent a panic through me, it sounded like she was crying.

"Amber?" I say hopping off of the stool. "What's wrong?"

"Dj, fuck man. I'm scared," she says, her voice had been straining. "I was suppose to tell you this the day I got out but I was so scared,"

"Amber calm down," I tell her.

"Dj, I need to tell you something," she says, sniffling through the speaker.

"What's wrong Amber, please just calm down and breathe," I tell her.

"Dj, it's all hitting me now. It didn't hit me when I first found out because they told me I had an option to stop it, and I didn't tell you, only my mom knows Dj I swear. My dad doesn't even know," Amber had been speaking so fast, she had to breathe her sentences.

"Amber?" I question. "What are you-"

"I'm pregnant Dj," she says. "I'm fucking pregnant,"

The phone call had been so surreal I didn't know how to react to it, I knew Amber could have been pregnant because of what the doctor had told me and her parents almost a month before she fell asleep, but I never would have thought that our worst nightmare could come true.

Being pregnant as a teen.

I almost dropped my phone when I heard the news, my hand had started shaking intensely but I tried to stay calm.

"Amber," I finally speak after I hear her tears stop. "We're gonna get through this, no matter what you decide to do please know that I'm with you, always,"

"I know, I know," she wails. "I'm so scared Dj. This wasn't suppose to be scary, I was suppose to have an happy pregnancy when I got ready, it wasn't suppose to happen like this," she says, her crying starting back up again.

"Amber, you have a choice," I say to her. "You don't have to go through with this, you're only 17,"

"But Dj, if I kill this baby I won't ever wanna have another one," she says, starting to cough.

"Look, you're stressing yourself out so much you're choking on your tears," I tell her. "It's the Fourth of July, this shouldn't be a worry,"

"But it is, at first I was just gonna get rid of it, but the longer I have it in me the more I wanna keep it," she says, her crying at finally stopped.

"Amber you're not ready to have a baby, and I'm not ready for you to have one either," I say.

"I know," she sniffs.

"How long have you been pregnant?"

"About 2 weeks, they found out while I was still sleeping, but they couldn't do anything about it because I wasn't awake to understand what was happening to me. My mom told me the first time they told her she cried for days, she still is in shock but now she just wants me to be happy,"

"Wow Amber," I sigh. "I still can't believe this is really happening,"

"Who you telling?" She asks sarcastically.

"Your mom is so understanding, I swear if it was me I'd get beaten the first time my mom even heard the word pregnant come from my mouth," I tell her, making her laugh. It was good to hear her laugh again.

"I love you Dj, and I'm so sorry for the outburst I had with you yesterday, I just didn't know how to handle all of the emotions I was having,"

"I love you more Amber, and it's fine, I understand why you were acting like that and I'm so glad you called me," I tell her.

"Of course...So, tell me about what happened with Jayon's visit?" She says.

"How did you know he visited me?" I ask her suspiciously.

"Wow, he didn't tell you he ran into me? We had a whole conversation in his car,"

"This is new," I say confused.

"Girl, don't worry, nothing funny happened. I wouldn't do that shit to you," Amber grins.

"I know," I say, shaking my head. "But how did you guys end up talking?"

"Because when I was waiting for a ride yesterday after I left your house I was sitting on a bench, and like I guess he noticed me as he was driving to you. We ended up talking about you, Derek, all that shit,"

"What a coincidence," I say.

"It was Dj, but I can tell he's really into you,"

"I would hope so," I laugh.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Her voice gets higher.

"I have so much to tell you Amber," I tell her.

"Like hell you do!" She yells, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Okay but you have a lot to tell me too, you should come over today, my mom is throwing a Fourth of July party,"

"Isn't today her birthday?" She asks.


"Tell her I said happy birthday, even though she don't like me," she says, making me laugh.

"I'll be sure to let her know," I roll my eyes.

"Okay Dj, I'm outta here," Deon says rushing down the stairs with a wallet in his hand. "I'll be back hopefully before mom does,"

"Okay Deon," I wave him off as I watch him shut the door behind him.

"Was that Deon?" Amber asks.

"Yeah, he's on his way to get our mom a present," I tell her.

"How cute,"

"That's exactly what I said," I tell her.

"I'm sure," she laughs.

"So are you gonna come over later?"

"Yeah I'll be over there, but I won't be walking, I honestly don't feel like it," she tells me.

"Amber your fucking car!" I say, remembering that no one ever picked it up the whole time she was in the hospital.

"Girl, it's towed," she says.

"No it isn't, have you even went back to the apartments to check?"

"No, but I'm sure it's towed,"


"Dj that car has literally been sitting there for weeks, if it isn't towed by now I'd be surprised," she cuts me off.

"Fine, but we're still checking," I tell her,

"Fine," she agrees. "Look, I'll be over your house in a bit, make sure your door is unlocked,"

"Bye Amber," I grin into the phone.

The call disconnects and I shake my head, thinking about how bi-polar our friendship was.

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