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*Jayon's POV*

My mother had pulled up just as I was leaving my grandmothers. The irony of seeing her as I was leaving was dreadful. I hadn't expected her to show up to my grandmas this early anyway.

"You are just trying to work on my last damn nerve today!" She shouts, exiting her car in a hurry. My little sister followed behind her, giggling.

"I'm trying to leave," I say.

"Where too? You just got here," my mother's voice changes. She had been getting more annoyed with me by the second.

"No mom, you just got here. I've been here for awhile," I tell her.

She shoves past me, pushing my grandmothers door open.

"Jayon, I swear you better be glad I'm busy. We're not done here," she scolds before kicking the door closed. Her hands and arms had been filled with utensils, paper plates, cups and tin foil.

"Whatever," I mumble. It wasn't like she could do shit to me anyway.

The kind of relationship I had with my mother was chaotic. Very chaotic and bi-polar. She never wanted me doing anything stupid, which I grew up doing anyway. She always wanted me to obey her, and that was something I could never do all the time. The things she wanted me to obey were ridiculous sometimes. She had always been a strict parent. I believe the problem between us was the simple fact that she wasn't a man, and that's pretty much all I wanted to have in my life as a role model. I loved my mom, but a mom couldn't take the place of  a dad. I didn't even know who my real dad was, and she hated talking about it. She had me a young age though, that's all I knew.

We had disagreements, arguments, and anything else under that category, but I knew she loved me regardless and I loved her too. She was just crazy sometimes.

The type of relationship I had with my grandma was something I never wanted to let go of. My mother left me with her when she would go to work or high school. I grew up calling my grandmother 'momma' until I was atleast 8.

My grandmother spoiled me. From clothes, to shoes, to jewelry to stuffed animals. I loved receiving gifts from her; every time I seen her it was something new. I'd kept everything she'd given me over the last 17 years. Nothing was ever thrown out even when my mother said it would be when I gave her a hard time. Deep down she knew she couldn't throw anything my gramma had given me away, no matter how many times she bitched about it.

I began to start my car, pulling out of my grandmas driveway quickly. I made sure there weren't any cars before I did this and luckily there weren't so I increased my speed when I started to drive down the street.

I hooked up my Bluetooth while turning the volume near max to coast down the streets in an relaxed way. K Camp had been playing.

"Smoke good weed with a bad bitch, smoke good weed with a bad bitch, smoke good weed with a bad bitch," I rapped along with the lyrics as they played, instantly thinking of Dj. She didn't smoke weed, but she was a bad bitch.

If she heard me say that to her though she would have cussed me out about it, so that's why I called her all of the sweet type of nicknames. They soothed her anyways, she barely acted like a bitch. At least towards me. Sometimes.

I had pulled into Dj's neighborhood, instantly spotting all the cars near her house. They were littered up and down the long street. It gave me a bit of anxiety.

I hadn't expected all of her family to be here, I knew I would have to meet some but not all. We were an item, but where we stood still confused me.

I found a park almost a block away from her house, slowly pulling my car into it. I pulled my key out of the ignition and began to open my door, closing it as I walked on the sidewalk to Dj's crowded house.

As I made my way closer, I seen a girl emerge from her car. She had some of Dj's characteristics from what I seen. She was gorgeous, but I knew she had been older. Atleast 20, I would guess. She had definitely been related to Dj. Her hair had fell past her shoulders, and her skin had been more brown complected compared to Dj's. She was short too, but the tattoos on her made me assume she was older than 18.

"Hey," she said to me when she noticed me walking behind her to Dj's home. Looking at her face closer I had noticed she had make-up on.

"Wassup," I say casually before standing behind her. I waited until she knocked on Dj's door. It had gotten awkward between us. I wondered if she thought we were related in some way, since we had been both showing up late to Dj's family celebration.

"Jayon!" Dj shoves passed the girl, instantly jumping on me.

"Hey baby," I squeezed her back. I missed her.

"Hey Armaj," Dj gives the girl a smile, I could tell it wasn't genuine though from the way the girl looked back at her.

She had looked at me again before she went inside the home, ignoring Dj's greeting. I could immediately tell the 2 had family issues. The way they had eyed each other was weird.

"Who is that?" I ask her, concerned.

She had still been holding me tightly.

"My dad's other daughter. I've never mentioned her to you because she's honestly irrelevant. I don't even know why she decided to come today,"

"She never came to one of these before?" I ask.

"Yes, but my father was with her. She's been with her mother since my dad left. Her and my mom are cool though, that's probably she wanted to pop up today,"

"Oh, for your mom," I say.

"Mhm," Dj leans on my chest. "Come in, meet my family," she grabs my hand while pulling me in and shutting the door.

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