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"You-you what?" I stutter, sitting myself all the way up. My eyes were heavy but I managed to get a smug grin to appear.

"We can get married Jayon," she says calmly.

"Dj... we're too young, what are you talking about?" I ask. My heart started pounding intensely and I didn't understand why. Of course I meant what I said when I said I wanted to grow old with her but getting married so soon? I never thought about it. We weren't ready to get married and I didn't understand what the hell would make her say something like that. Marriage was a big deal, and I wanted mines to be special. I wanted to be the one to purpose to a woman one day, preferably her, when we were older and more mature, maybe with our own house and kids on the way.

"There's no body else I wanna be with, why wait?" She questions. A real smile started to form on her face, and her cheeks lit up. She was definitely serious, she wasn't playing at all.

"There's so much that has to go down during a wedding Dj, I don't want ours to be simple and rushed. I love you but we can't get married now, we haven't even been fucking with each other for a full year. It's crazy that you're serious about this," I shake my head.

"So you don't wanna marry me?" Her eyebrows raise, and she crosses her arms. "Of course I do, but not now. Are you forgetting that I just lost my grandma? She wouldn't even let me do that," I tell her.

"I think your grandma would have wanted you to be happy Jayon. I think she would have wanted you to be with a woman that can guide you like she did. I know this is bizarre and random but I wanna be tied down to you, and I think this is the time you need to be tied down. You're vulnerable and unpredictable. I wanna make sure your heads on straight. We're gonna stay together anyway, there's no purpose in waiting,"

"Dj...we don't even have our own place, we don't even have jobs. Your mother wouldn't even give me her blessing,"

I had lost my construction job after I missed so many days. I truly thought they were giving me the summer off. I figured they'd cut me some slack but I assumed wrong. Now I had to look for another place to work, but working was the last thing on my mind at the moment.

"When I turn 17, we could do it privately. I know you want it to be big but that parts gonna have to wait. I just wanna be your wife now," she breathes, caressing her finger on my bottom lip. "I wanna give myself to you physically, emotionally, and traditionally,"

I stood silent, watching her hand move up and down my chest. She was being completely unreasonable. I didn't understand why she constantly called me bi-polar either when she clearly had severe issues with her mood. Was she forgetting that she broke up with me? And forced me to cry in front of her because she threatened to actually leave me for good? Now here she was trying to marry me like a psychopath, but I  still couldn't love her any less.

"Come on, I wanna go to your car," she tells me.


"It's the only place we can have privacy. We can't go in my room, and we can't stay in here. She could come down any minute,"

"Why not your room?" I ask as she makes me stand.

"I don't want her to hear me moan," she whispers, instantly making my dick hard.

I wrestled my pockets for my car keys, thanking God when I felt them. She took me by the hand and made me go out the door first. I watched as she closed it behind us, making sure it didn't make any noise.

I unlocked the doors of my car quickly, looking behind me to make sure she was following. She was smiling hard. "Hurry," she told me.

By the time we made it in, we noticed that the lights inside her house had turned off. She sighed with relief before turning towards me to kiss me deeply. Our kiss had gotten so heated in such a matter of seconds I had to stop it. "Fuck Dj," I breathed, turning on my A.C. "Now," I continued, grabbing her throat while she bit on my lip. "Get on me," I told her. She listened, climbing across the gear to straddle my lap. I pulled my seat back and watched as she undressed herself.

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