Getting on the bus was a challenge when I seen how many people were on it. Almost every seat was filled and the ones that weren't were dirty or ripped apart. I decided to stand, holding the metal poll at the top of the bus for balance when it started again.
"Excuse me," an old man muttered as he made his way passed me. I prayed that the bus would take me where I needed to go with no problems. Some of the people on here looked angry. I didn't like being around angry people in public, because those were the type of people that took out weapons to unleash their anger.
A little girl stared at me for awhile as she sat down by her mother. Her face had been stained and the blonde hairs on her head stood up. I smiled at her, continuing to face the front. She kept staring though.
Usually I didn't care if children stared at me, they were children. There wasn't much I could really do to make her stop without being rude.
"Emily, stop," her mother said to her. She noticed how much her daughter had been looking at me. The little girl frowned, crossing her arms. She started to look out of the window and from then on, the bus ride was quiet.
*Jayon's POV*
"Man, I'm sorry Jayon," Derek said to me, taking another sip from his bottle. When he reached the end of it he threw it beside him, watching the glass break into pieces.
"Nah," I told him. "I'll be good. She made sure I was good before she died,"
"I know, but still. I know how it feel to lose somebody you love,"
"Yeah I know you do," I said quietly. Derek had lost his mother years ago, and it took him years to get over her death. He loved her to pieces just like how I loved my grandma.
"I think about her everyday. I think about how disappointed in me she must be. I've done some fucked up shit that I can't take back Jay," he tells me, shaking his head.
We had been in his backyard. I was chilling in his pool while he sat on his rock seat. It felt good outside, the sun was beaming down on us harshly though.
"Ya moms will always love you, disappointed in you or not. Just learn how to not be so...fucked up Derek. You always make ruthless decisions, maybe before you do some fucked up shit think about what your mom would want you to do. Just keep her voice in your head at all times. I'm gonna be doing that with my grandma from now on, and I know it'll help me," I say, leaning back against the pool wall.
"You right," he said, looking down. "I'm glad you came over Jay. I needed a bro talk. We don't hang as much as we use too,"
"I know," I tell him. "Just a lot that's been going on. School start next month, and I'm not even mentally prepared for that shit,"
"Then don't go," Derek shrugged.
"That's not an option," I tell him, thinking back to the letter my Grandma wrote me.
"At least you on yo' shit," Derek said, standing to his feet.
"I guess man," I told him. I looked at my phone, the time now was 4:30. "I'm suppose to be meeting Dj at a Cafe on Lake Mead,"
"Dj? You still on her?" Derek grins. "This the longest you ever been on a girl,"
"Yeah. Remember me telling you that I wasn't in love with her? Well I think I am," I told him. His eyes went wide.
"What kinda pussy this bitch got? You ain't never said that about no female before,"
"Chill out," I laughed. That was the first time I had laughed in awhile.
"I'm deadass nigga. You makin' me wanna get serious with a bitch and shit," Derek spoke, walking towards the mini fridge he had plugged up on his patio. He pulled out another canned beer and pried it open.
"You a fool," I told him.
"I might be. But what you and Dj got is apparently special. Why don't y'all just get together and stop with the petty shit?" He asked.
"That's what I been trying to do, but her ass just so stubborn and difficult. I know she wanna be with me but she keeps making up excuses as to why we shouldn't be together," I say, kicking my feet under the water.
"Hm," Derek starts. "Is there another nigga in her life?"
"Hell no," I shake my head. "Bet not be,"
"Maybe you should find that out when y'all link today," Derek said, taking a gulp from his beer.
I stayed silent. Maybe he was right. I had never thought about Dj getting in to something with anyone else, since I had been the first dude she laid her tongue on.
"I got in touch with Amber," He said out of the blue, causing me to look up at him.
"About a week ago. We talked civically, after she tried to beat me up,"
I stood up straight.
"I told her that she didn't need to keep that baby," he told me.
"You told her or you forced her?" I asked.
"Nigga, I told her. I just explained to her that it wasn't right. She didn't give consent to have the baby why would she keep it? She didn't listen to me at first. She even cussed me out about it, saying I didn't have a right to speak on it and shit. That was right and all but still. I just talked some sense into her. I apologized and all that too, made sure she forgave me fully,"
"Does she forgive you fully?" I questioned.
"Somewhat. I don't even know if we're cool at this point, but I know I changed her mind about her pregnancy a bit,"
"Well shit," I said. "Hopefully you did. I don't know Amber well enough but I know it's to early for her to be a mom,"
"Right," Derek grinned. "Pretty sure everyone knows that,"
"True. I'll be outta here by 5 though, Dj suppose to be up there at 6 but knowing her she'll prolly make it up there around 5 something," I tell him, shaking my head with a smile. I started to get out of the water, grabbing a towel to dry myself off. I was excited to talk to Dj about something other than us. It was relieving to know she wanted to make sure I was okay.
"I feel it," Derek said, taking another sip from his can. I don't know how that nigga drunk beer like it was juice. It was disgusting.
I dabbed him up before I picked up my phone. "Imma see you later nigga," I told him.
He nodded, throwing up the peace sign as I walked through his backyard. I would be sure to change in my car into some dry clothes. I threw on a white tee and some black sweats before I started my car, making sure no one had been watching. I pulled out of Derek's drive way instantly, driving down the empty road.

RomanceYour average teenage story about the relationship between 2 opposite pairs..or is it really average?