I arrive to Amber's house quicker than I expected too. I walked up her door steps and exhale, hoping that she would be the one to open her door to pull me in with a welcoming smile.
Unfortunately that wasn't the case though.
Adrian opens the door after a couple of knocks. He looks me up and down with a puzzled expression, leaving the door open for me to walk in. "Where's your parents?" I ask him. He shrugs, sitting on the couch to continue playing his video game.
"Adrian," I press. I close the door behind me and lock it. I yank my hood down in an attempt to push all of my braids back, sitting on a stool in Amber's decorated kitchen.
"I knew you'd be up," I tell him.
"Yeah, so did I," he says sarcastically, selecting a gun for whatever match he was about to play on his tv.
"Have you talked to Amber?" I ask him.
He shakes his head. "Wasn't she trying to call you earlier? I thought she went to a party with you,"
"Well yeah, but I was out with someone. We were suppose to be with each other though. I bailed on her, but now I don't know where she is, she isn't answering me and I'm starting to get worried," I begin to chew on my nail as I thought about the possibilities of Amber being harmed.
"Oh," Adrian says. He clicks on the speaker and mutes his video game, only focusing on the music that played near him.
"What party did you think we were going too though?" I ask.
"Another party. I don't know which," his voice shifts. I could tell he was getting annoyed with all my questions, but he was failing to realize that Amber could have been in serious trouble.
"You're the total opposite of Deon," I sigh. "He would have known what time I left to go to a party, where the party was at and all. In fact he wouldn't even have let me go to another party, especially after getting in trouble with Amber recently," I ramble on, only to notice Adrian wasn't paying attention to me.
I stand from the stool and made my way towards his PlayStation to turn it off. He gets up immediately; his light blue eyes turning into a gray as his skin began to turn red. I could tell he was angry. "Dj, get the fuck out," his childish voice booms over their living room.
"Amber could be in danger and your worried about a stupid fucking game!" I holler at him.
He clenches his jaw and sits back on the couch, putting his hands on his forehead. "Amber is fine, alright? She's just getting home a bit later, that's all," he tells me.
"Yeah and how do you know?" I ask, lowering my voice a bit. I feel myself getting emotional. I couldn't fight the fact that when she called me I didn't pick up. I couldn't fight the fact that she had left her house expecting to go somewhere with me, only to end up going by herself.
Now it was exactly 12:00 am, and I didn't have much time to find her. The police department would have been of no help because they expected these types of phone calls just to laugh in our faces. Las Vegas officers' only purpose's were to taunt people for missing red lights. Even though our city was one of the highest ranked crime cities, they didn't care.
"Come on. I know she isn't that reckless," Adrian silently grins.
"You must not know her at all then because she's above reckless," I tell him. "I know something isn't right and as her brother you should have that sibling instinct,"
Adrian rolls his eyes. "Me and Amber are not as close as you and Deon. Me and Amber barely talk on a day to day basis. She doesn't tell me everything and I definitely don't tell her everything. With you and Deon it's different, it's always been different and it always will be different."
I sit there in silence for awhile before beginning to speak again. "Help me find her then. I know this will bring you guys closer," I stare at him, taking in his depressing facial features.
"What if I don't wanna be close with her? Where we are now is fine with me," he harshly states.
"Adrian please. She's your sister and I know for a fact that she wants to be closer to you,"
He smacks his lips. "Now that's hard to believe,"
"But she tells me everything, and I know how she really feels about you. You can't say you guys have never had an actual conversation, and you can't say she doesn't care about you either because I know for a fact that she does,"
He shrugs, leaning back into their silk couch. "Why does she tell you everything though? Aren't I her brother?"
"She's just more comfortable talking to me. You know why? Because I actually listen to her. You just like to play video games and blast terrible music through the house," I point out.
Adrian stands from the couch, walking towards the door. He grabs a black hoodie from the coat rack and begins to put on his shoes, tying them on each foot. "Well let's go," he tells me. "Where's Deon?"
I smile at the mention of Deon's name. "Home," I stand up.
"Why didn't he come with you?" He opens the door, guiding me out of it.
I walk towards it while sliding my hood back on. "He..wasn't feeling good," I lie.
"Oh, he straight?" Adrian closes the door behind us and locks it with a key, stepping off their doorsteps and following me towards the sidewalk. I couldn't help but to laugh inside my head at the irony of him asking that.
"Sure," I say starting to speed up my walking. I didn't want to tell him the real reason of why Deon wasn't with me, even though there were many reasons why he didn't come with me tonight.
"Well Amber got picked up today since her car is still parked at the last party she went too. I heard her telling our Dad she was going to get it but she hasn't. I have bus passes just incase we're gonna need the bus," Adrian hands me a pass.
I face palm myself. "I have to get her car... Did she have her keys on her the night she came home late?"
"Yeah they're on the kitchen counter now though," he says, looking around the dark area.
"Alright," I tell him.
Our walk seemed longer as the night got darker, but I knew we were going to find Amber, and I knew she was going to be okay.
At least I prayed that she was going to be okay..

RomansaYour average teenage story about the relationship between 2 opposite pairs..or is it really average?