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*Djs POV*

"Amber turn that down," I say, looking at the clock. It was almost 7:30 and Jayon still wasn't here.

"Dj, come on! They're not coming. Let us enjoy ourselves,"

"It's loud Amber, you better be glad my mother is working over time. She would have been here to turn that shit off herself,"

"It's art," Amber twirls around my room, chanting the song lyrics that played from my stereo. She was obsessed with Katy Perry for some reason.

I roll my eyes, walking out of the room and into my bathroom. My outfit had gone completely to waste. I wiped off the lipstick I had on my lips and shook my head, taking off my bonnet.

"Im gonna go eat," I said to Amber who had been ignoring me. She was having too much fun in my room. I walk passed her and down the stairs.

Deon had been at Adrian's for the day. It was good he was out of our ways, even though he was the topic of our conversation earlier.

I hear a knock at the door, more like a loud thump. I jumped at the sound, slowly making my way towards it. I looked out of the peep hole, feeling my heart skip a beat when I seen Jayon standing there. He looked annoyed though, so I quickly opened it.

"Finally, shit," he said walking in, picking me up around my waist to hug me.

Our hug had last for awhile. "I should be the one saying that, why are you so late coming over here?" I asked him, feeling him put me down.

"This nigga, made me play games with him all day," Jayon tells me, grabbing his cousin by the shoulder. I hadn't acknowledged him until he came in, he smiled awkwardly, looking around my house.

"I'm Vincent," he holds his hand out for me to shake.

He was handsome, but I knew he would be. He was related to Jayon.

"I'm Dj," I smile back at him. Jayon notices our interaction and pulls us away from eachother almost instantly. "Enough of that," he says, giving me a look.

"Oh stop it," I tell him, rolling my eyes. "I'm just being-"

"Friendly, that's what you're being," Jayon cuts me off, pushing his cousin in his chest. His cousin was shorter than him but he had more muscle. He pushed Jayon back, and I watched the two of them laugh.

"She was just greeting me inside her house dumbass," Vincent speaks.

"Yeah, yeah, where's Amber?" Jayon turns to me, I had been irritated by his previous comment but I pointed up the stairs. "She's dancing to Katy Perry,"

"The fuck?" They both say in unison.

"She white?" Vincent turns to Jayon, who shakes his head.

"She's mixed with white," I tell him.

"That figures," he says quietly.

Jayon shrugs, sitting on one of my stools. "Are y'all ready to go?" He asks me, referring to Amber as well.

"Well yeah, I just took off my lipstick though. And my bonnet,"

"Bonnet?" Vincent questions.

"This hat shit she likes to wear," Jayon tells his cousin. "Do you have to wear it to where we're going?"

"I don't even know where we're going," I raise my voice at him.

"Go get your damn lipstick woman," Jayon smirks, making me more annoyed. I turn around, heading back up the stairs to do as he said.

"Dj! Who the hell is downstairs?" Amber pops out of no where when I make it to the top of my stairs. "Jayon and his cousin," I tell her, trying to catch my breath. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I seen the cousin, I seen Jayon. But I also seen the cousin," she winks at me. "Looks like he's gonna be the new daddy of my child," she says lifting up her shirt slowly.

"Stop!" I say to her, pulling her shirt back down. Why did she have to act this way?

"I'm kidding," she tells me, but I knew she wasn't. That wasn't something she should have been kidding about, she didn't even know who the real father was. The way she even ended up with the child was unprepared and forced.

"Just put on your shoes and go downstairs to meet him. His names Vincent, don't bring up your pregnancy to either of them either Amber, at least not today," I tell her, watching her as she mocked me with her small hand. She went in my room to get the shoes she had, and walked back out.

"I'll be downstairs getting acquainted," she winks at me once again before walking down the stairs slowly.

I shook my head, walking into the bathroom to put my bonnet back on. I applied more lipstick and looked in the mirror again. I looked good, not great but good. As long as Jayon liked it, I felt perfect.

I raced down the stairs in an attempt to stop Amber from saying whatever she thought could have been good for her.

The 3 had looked fine though, she hadn't said anything awkward or weird, yet.

"I need to lock the door behind all of us, so y'all can go start the car," I told them.

Jayon nodded, getting up first while Vincent followed behind him. Amber stayed behind, smiling so hard her cheeks were red.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"He said I was funny, which is a start considering that I wasn't trying to be," she says.

"What did you say?" I begin to get worried.

"Nothing about my pregnancy Dj, I just told him I was bloated, I mean that's how I feel," she shrugs.

"Amber you idiot, why does he need to know about your health issues on the first date?"

"Wait, this is a date?"

"A double date," I correct her, dragging her wrist to the front door. I push her out softly and close the door behind me, locking it with a couple clicks.

I looked at the car the boys had been in and smiled, I didn't know where Jayon was taking us but I knew it would be rememberable. Me and Amber almost skipped to them, waving childishly when we got to the doors.

"Put on your seatbelts girls," Jayon told us right before we slammed our doors to the inside of the car. He stuck his key in the ignition and put his car in a quick reverse.
"We're outta here," Vincent spoke up, turning on the radio station.

We all started to sing along once we realized what song they were playing, Hotline Bling by Drake.

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