I had pulled up to my grandmother's house in no longer than 10 minutes, it still amazed me that Dj and her lived so close by each other.
I jumped out of the car when I seen that the front of my grandmothers house was packed with my family. It had been exactly how Dj's family of cars littered her street.
I pushed the door open to find everything I expected. People dancing, eating, singing, laughing, everything. When they had realized who I was walking in, I was immediately bombarded. I loved the attention, but not too much. I was too old for that.
"Alright, alright," I say trying to push them off of me. "I missed y'all too," I said after I kept hearing people telling me they missed me.
It had mostly been my cousins attacking me. My other parts of the family had just waved, yelled my name or given me small hugs to welcome me.
"Jayon, where have you been?" My younger cousins had all asked me at once.
"My girlfriends," I say, making them gasp.
"Jayon has a girlfriend, Jayon has a girlfriend," my youngest baby cousin had chanted. Pretty soon all the children had been singing along.
It took me awhile to figure out why I even mentioned a girlfriend. Thank God I didn't bring her with me, they would have clustered the both of us.
"Jayon!" My cousin Vincent had hollered as I walked through my grandmother's living room, waving to family that I hadn't seen in years.
"Vincent!" I call out to him, we shake each other's hands instantly. Seeing how big he had gotten was crazy.
"You've gotten tall as hell nigga," I told him, astonished by his height. He was still short, but he use to be way shorter.
Vincent was my childhood cousin that I used to play with all the time, he was always smaller than I was. We stopped hanging with each other around atleast 12 once my mother moved houses. No one would take us to see each other so we basically grew up kind of forgetting about each other. It sucked but we managed.
"Wow, bro look at you," he says, looking at my shoes all the way up to my shirt. "I always knew you would grow up with some type of style," he laughs.
"Long time no fucking see," I tell him. "I ain't even expect you to be here,"
"Well you know after you moved my mom did too, to California. We been living there every since. I wanted to see everybody though, since its been so long,"
"You seen my mom?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I seen auntie. She's in the back with my mom right now,"
"I'm lowkey trying to avoid her. We got into some shit earlier, but she likes to hold grudges,"
"Well you know who she gets that from," a familiar voice catches my attention.
"Hey again grandma," Vincent says, looking over my shoulder.
"Shit, hey grandma," I greet, giving her a hug.
"What I tell you about cussing in my house?" She points a finger in my face, making Vincent laugh.
"Sorry grandma," I shake my head.
"I'm glad you came back baby, I thought I had cooked all that pie for no reason," she tells me.
My eyes perk up. "There's still pie left?" I ask.
"Yeah, I saved you a couple slices. Look behind the milk in the refrigerator, you know I got you," she laughs, planting a kiss on my cheek as she walked by me and Vincent. "Vincent, it was good to see you again baby, you need to come by more,"
"I'll try grandma," he tells her, giving her another hug.
"Naw, for real. You need too, you actually should stay a couple days. Its summer nigga," I tell him, making my way to the kitchen.
Thankfully there had still been food there for me, because I was starving. I hadn't even ate at Dj's, and I knew her mom threw down just like mine did.
"Where I'mma stay?" He asks, trailing behind me.
"My house, nigga. We need to get caught up, I haven't seen you in years,"
"You right," Vincent nods. "Ask my mom if I can stay a couple days," He says while I looked through the fridge for the pie.
"Nigga you ask her, that's yo momma."
"Nah, cause if I ask her she's gonna say no,"
We busted out laughing, that use to be the biggest excuse for not wanting to ask your mom some shit you knew she would probably tell you no for, but if someone else asked for you she would be quick to say yes. It was good to see Vincent hadn't grown out of his childishness yet even though he was the same age as me. The irony of it all was funny.
"Naw, naw," he stops, wiping his eyes. "But for real, I don't got no clothes," he tells me.
"Nigga you can wear mine," I offer, shoving a piece of pie into my mouth.
"Underwear?" He asks.
"We'll buy some,"
"Who needs those?"
He laughs shaking his head once more. "Nigga a tooth brush?"
"We got extras at the house,"
He smacks his lips. "Alright Jayon, your mom won't care?"
"She'd be glad to have you over to do some shit she won't feel like doing," I tell him, putting more pie into my mouth. It was pumpkin pie, and it tasted amazing. My grandma would never lose her spark when it came to cooking.
"Fuck all that," he tells me, making me grin.
"Aye I'm playing," I say. "I barely even do shit she say,"
"So who does?"
"She ends up doing it herself or Jasmine will, the fuck?" I tell him, my mouth had been full.
"Slow down nigga," he says.
"But aye, we really do got some shit to catch up on. You know I'm fucking with someone real heavy, the heaviest I've ever been to fucking with somebody. I wanna tell her I love her and all," I swallow the last of the pie I had in my mouth.
"No lie?" He says. "What's her name?"
"Nigga Dj? You gay now?" He asks, making me punch him in the shoulder.
"Fuck you," I tell him. "She got a pussy, I ate it,"
"Whoa," he tells me, holding his arm. "Did you now?"
"Hell yeah," I lick my lips. "Best pussy I ever ate too,"
"Lucky ass," he grins. "I was fucking with this one girl, but I found out how many bodies she had, it was a done deal after that shit," he said putting his thumb down. "Can't trust these bitches no more, I'm glad you found you a real one,"
"Fuuck," I tell him. "Me too,"

Storie d'amoreYour average teenage story about the relationship between 2 opposite pairs..or is it really average?