Chapter 1: Love at First Sight

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AN:: I am sorry for all of the formating isusses I deleted and reposted everything so hopefully it will work now. Please do not stop reading because of Fitz I swear he is not a monster. 

To my dear Olivia. I told you I would love you unitl the day I die and here I am over twenty years later still as in love with you as I was the day we said good bye. I miss you with all my heart but I will always remember you and the love we once shared. 

Fitz said he was going to hire a new campaign manger. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. My heart is racing and my palms are sweating. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She walked up to me with elegance. The woman smiled and said "Hello Mrs. Grant, my name is Olivia Pope." The way she said Mrs. Grant made my heart skip a beat. Fitz began to talk about the election. I don't know what he was saying and I frankly don't care. I was focused on the perfect lady in front of me. She held herself with such class and style. She noticed me staring at her and I felt embarrassed, but only for a moment. Olivia flashed me a smile. It might have been small and only for a second but it met the world to me.

It has been such a long time since I have been happy. I remember the day I married Fitz. I really did love him with all of my heart. He made me feel happy and safe. But one day he couldn't make me feel safe. No one could.... I still loved him but I knew that I couldn't be honest with him. I could never let him know what happened to me. Not only would it ruin him and his chances to be President but he would think that I am weak. I know that he will never find out, I have made sure of that. Since it has to be this way, since we can't be honest, we can't be happy. He knows that I'm hiding something but he doesn't know what it is. I have little hope that we can be happy. Until today I had little hope that I could ever be happy again. When I looked into Olivia Popes eyes this morning and she looked back into mine I felt something that I haven't in a long time. I felt safe.

The next morning all I could think about was how excited I was to see Olivia again. We had a meeting scheduled for eleven this morning. I waited and waited. Although it was a few hours, it felt like a life time.

I went to the kitchen early to wait for Olivia. I needed to see her again. The room was silent but my mind was racing. I need to be near her again. Then my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. It's her! She's here!

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