Chapter 14:

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The room is silent for a while. I like it. It is just Olivia and I sitting there. She is holding my hand, and promised to not let go. The silence was nice. The room had a warm loving atmosphere, which bewildered me. I was in a hospital room and it felt like home. Olivia was so radiant. When I was with her I could not help but be happy. There was this glow that followed her every where she went. The silence was ended abruptly with an explosive knock at the door.  

"MELLIE?!?! ARE YOU IN THERE? ARE YOU OKAY?" Fitz screamed from the other side of the door. 

I jumped out of my skin. The room had became chaotic very quickly. Olivia ran over to the door to prevent the nurse  from opening it. 

"He is her husband. I can not keep him from seeing her," the nurse whispered to Olivia. She sounded very annoyed like they had the same fight before, and I'm sure they have. 

"You don't care if he is the reason she is here? He was beating her for god sakes!" Olivia sternly whispered back at the nurse. 

"He is still her husband and I am going to let him in. There is nothing you can do to stop me!" the old nurse yelled back, "You are nothing. He is legally aloud to be here. You are not. I should kick you out!"

The nurse opened the door and Fitz came running in. He push Olivia up against the wall and yelled, "Stay away from her! She is my wife! You have no right to be here bitch!" 

"Stop it! Get away from her! Please Fitz, don't hurt her," I do my best to sound strong but I am still weak, as usual. 

He does not listen to me. I want to cry, but I can't not now. I have been nothing but a weak crying mess since that monster attacked me. It ends here. 

Fitz continues to hold her up. "You don't own me. No matter what you say I am still going to be in love with that beautiful strong women. She loves me too, you know. We are in this together. I will protect her until the day I die,"Olivia protested. Her words were cut short by a hard hit to the face. 

"That might be sooner then you think," Fitz said. His voice was not angry, it was mechanical like a robot.

I tried to get up from my bed so I could go to Olivia's aid. I could not stand, I was to weak. I could not watch this horrifying scene play out any longer. I closed my eyes and tried to scream for help. No matter how hard I tried to block out the sounds of Fitz's strikes I could still hear him.  

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