Chapter 2: More Time

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Stop it Melody Grant! You do not even know if that is her! And you shouldn't care if it is. Mellie thought to herself. "Hello, Mrs. Grant. I didn't expect you so early. I thought that i would be the first here." Oliva said in her kind voice. She sat down right next to me. I was pleasantly surprised, i didn't anticipate her being so close to me. Her presence so close to my body gave me goosebumps. She was such a strong and stunning women and she was so close. I looked up into her gorgeous big brown eyes. She looked back into mine. We sat there silent and staring into each others eyes. I know she felt something for me to, it was undeniable. I don't know how long we were sitting there. It felt like a second. Time seemed to melt away when I was with her.

Fitz suddenly walked into the room. We both jumped and turned around. Fitz didn't seem to notice. "Hello ladies," Fitz said with a smile. Olivia and I tried not to look at each other again. Although our little moment was perfect one thing was bothering me, Olivia was about to say somthing to me. I have no idea what it was. It really doesn't matter what it was because I want to hear everything that woman has to say.

During the meeting Olivia explains what everyone most do to ensure that FItz would win his election. Every once and a while Olivia locks eyes with me and flashes me a quick smile. Every time she does I hold back all of my joy and just smile back.

When the meeting finally ended everyone left rather quickly. They were glad work time was over. We have very few moments to relax. Everyone wants to use them to nap but I intend to take advantage of every single minute.

After everyone was gone I approched Olivia. My god she looked so beautiful. I could look at her all day. Olivia looked at me and said "Hello Mrs. Grant." With out thinking I took a step closer to her and whispered, "call me Mellie." "Okay. Mellie." Olivia said with a grin. We were so close. I could feel her body heat. We just stood in silence for a moment, staring into each others eyes once again. "You have the most beautiful eyes." Olivia spoke in a soft voice. "Thank you. I think yours are beautiful too." I regret it as soon as I say it. That sounded stupid I thought. She is such an amazing women and I can't find the words to tell her. Does she know what I think? Did my smile give it away? Does she like me? She said my eyes are beutiful. Mine! I try to hide my excitement. "You know eyes can tell a lot about a person." Olivia said. "Really, like what?" I asked as I chuckled. "You have kind, carrying eyes. I can see that you live with pain everyday, but you are strong. You have overcame a lot. You can face anything, and win." she said. I was shocked by how honest and accurate she was. "Well I don't really think I'm very strong." I say. "That's nonsense. You are. I have a sixth sense about these things." I blushed at her kind words. She speaks flawlessly. She makes my mind blank out of words but somehow my mouth seems to find the right things to say. "Well I will be on my way!" Olivia says and she turns to leave. "No! Don't go yet. I haven't had a chance to say good bye." I pulled her close and planted one soft kiss on her cheek. She moved her face close to mine and our eyes meet. We were so close that our noses almost touched. She leaned in and kissed my lips. "Now that's a proper good bye." She turned around and left me there in awe.

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