Chapter 9: I Promise to Keep You Safe

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"I love you, Melody Grant," Olivia whispers into my ear as she hugs me. She could see it in my eyes that I needed her to hug me. I started to cry again. I really can't help it. I am usually not this weak. Before today I hadn't cried in since that night with Big Jerry. I had been keeping it all in this past year, today it decided to all come out. "So much stuff has happened today, I need to talk to you. I need you Olivia, I really don't think I could do this by myself," I tell her. Olivia answered in her strong voice, "I think you could do this on your own. You are a strong woman, Melody Grant. I know that you don't think so but you are. You have had to overcome so much crap but you still end up on the top. I don't know how you do it. This time you are not going to be alone. I am going to be here for you from this point until the day you die. I am here. I will always be here. I will protect you. I will help you. But you are stronger than I could ever hope to be. Melody, you are the strongest woman I know. I will fight for you, for us, for the rest of my life." Olivia's kind words made me cry even more. We stood there in her apartment with our arms around each other for a while. I felt so safe. When I was in her arms nothing and no one could hurt me. I never wanted to leave her warm embrace. "Baby, what happened?" Olivia said in the sweetest voice. "Fitz...........Big Jerry. They...." I said in between sobs. "I saw Big Jerry he is staying at the house. He was taunting me. Saying things from.....that night." I paused for a moment so I could gather my thoughts. This was really hard for me. I always keep things in; I never share how I am feeling with anyone. I don't know how to. I take a deep breath and continue, "I ran into my room and cried on the bed. Seeing him was just too much for me to handle. Fitz came in, drunk, going off about something. He asked me why I was crying and I refused to tell him. I kept denying my tears. He was getting really frustrated and he... he.. just hit me across the face."

"Oh my god, that is horrible. Melody, I promise I am going to stand by you. I promise I am going to protect you. I promise I am going to make sure that that family dose not hurt you ever again. I promise I am going to help you get out of that marriage," Olivia said to me. I do not know what to say to her. I am flattered but I can not accept her offer. I could not leave Fitz. "I am sorry Olivia but I can't do that. I can't leave him. I provoked him. I made him hit me. I lied. It was my fault." Olivia's face got all sad and serious. Olivia spoke as she guided me to the bathroom, "Look at that," she pointed to my eye. My eye was starting to turn black. It looked alot worse then it felt."He did that to you. He hurt you. He does not love you, if he did then he would not have hurt you. I love you. I really do. I could never hurt you. You can stay with me and I will keep you safe. That family has caused enough harm. They have hurt you enough. It's time you are with someone who loves you." What she said was really sweet but I could not believe her now. I know it is my fault. I lied to him, if I did not lie then he would not have hit me. How did I get here? How did my life get so messed up?

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