Chapter 3: I Miss You

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I could not stop thinking about Olivia's kind words whispering into my ears, and her soft lips on top of mine. We did not have anything else scheduled all week. It was the longest week of my life. I missed her so much. I wonder if she was still thinking about our kiss, and the way our lips felt against each other. I missed her touch and my sense of security I felt when she was near. Most of all I missed her smile. It always seemed to light up the room. Whenever Liv smiled I had butterflies in my stomach. She looked so cute with a smile on her face.

Finally the day was here. Olivia would be returning to the governor’s mansion. I woke up early so that I could get ready. I wanted to make sure that I looked my best. Olivia was effortlessly beautiful and I don't think I could compete with that. After I had spent hours perfecting my look I went downstairs. Olivia was not due to arrive for another hour. I sat down and had a very awkward dinner with my husband. Every morning we had a ritual. We sat down across from each other then said "Hi" and "Good Morning." This is about the only dialog. Sometimes we made small talk. I never was able to have a real conversation with him since it happened. I have always felt really guilty for that. The cooks at the mansion made the best food. I always eat more than my share, but this morning I barely ate anything. I was so excited to see Olivia I lost my appetite.

I was taken aback by her radiant look. She strolled in the room, gracefully. She looked at Fitz then into my eyes. She gave me a smile that made my heart melt. "Hello. It's been awhile. I'm glad that you guys have been following the schedule I gave you." Olivia said. I wanted to stand up and give her a hug. I wanted to hold her in my arms and talk to her. I just wanted to be able to laugh and tell stories with this woman.

"We have a problem;" Olivia said harshly, "You two need to start acting like a couple. No one will vote for you if you guys keep acting like this. You need to pretend that you are happy and that you like each other." I was taken aback by her honesty. Although I did not like what she was saying I knew it was true. Fitz and I were very awkward around each other. I do not know why, we have been married for over a decade. "Who are you to judge my marriage? You don't know anything about us." Fitz snapped back at Olivia. "You don’t know anything about us either," I thought. "Fitz. Stop it. She is just trying to help us. Help you." I said holding his arm. Sometimes Fitz can be so hot tempered, just like his father. I lost my train of thought now. Everything in my life is a reminder to that night. Well everything until I met Olivia. When I was around her nothing else mattered.

"If you want to become the next President of the United States of America I would suggest listening to me. I know for a fact that you will not win like this. You have to be the happy couple everyone is jealous of." Olivia spoke in a strong confident voice. The thing I like most about Olivia is her confidence. I strive to have confidence like that. I used to but it was stolen from me along with every other part of myself. Now all that is left is the fear. Well I thought that was all that was left. I used to think that I could never be able to love again, and then I met Olivia.

Fitz did not like Olivia talking about his personal life but he finally agreed that she was right. Most of the meeting was pretty boring. Olivia talked about did things to say when on camera and how to dress. I just stared at her and let her talk. I wanted the meeting to be over so I could have some alone time with Olivia. I keep looking at the clock. As the time for us to talk drew nearer and nearer I became happier and focused less. After hours of discussion the meeting was over and everyone, except us, ran off.

I stood up and stood before the stunning women. "So Mellie, would you like to go to dinner with me tonight." Olivia asked. My thoughts were running wild. Did she just ask me out? I cannot believe what I am hearing. "To discus strategies for the election, of course." she added. I took a step closer to her. "Is that all you want to talk about?" I asked in a seductive voice. "Yes of course ma’am." Olivia said as she flashed me a smile. "Okay. I was just wondering," I whispered while I stood in front of her. We are so close I want to grab her and hold her tight. I want to kiss her sweet lips one more time. I had not stopped dreaming about them since our first kiss. I want her to touch me so bad. My body ached for her touch. I need a big warm hug. I did not want anything more. But not now, nothing can happen now. I decided that this would be a good time to leave because I left her wanting more. She would get it all right, but not until tonight.

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