Chapter 16

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"Thank you all for coming here today. I do not know most of you, but I know Olivia would have wanted me to say something. Olivia was my friend. No, she was more then that. Olivia was the love of my life. I loved her with all of my heart. We did not know each other for that long, but we could not imagine living without each other. I still can't imagine living without her. The moment she died I could not breathe. I could not imagine breathing without her. I did not want to breathe in a world that she was not apart of. She was truly the most remarkable women in the world. I do not know how to exist in a world without Olivia Pope, and I am not sure if I ever will. She was my everything. She held my world together. She was strong for me when I couldn't be. She....." I stopped for a moment. 

Tears started to stream down my face. I remembered the first time she held me. I remembered her warm soft touch and her arms around me. I remembered how she made me laugh, even when I was about to cry. She was gone. How could she be gone? I talked to her a few days ago. I want her, no I need her. 

"She... is the reason I am alive today. I love her with all of my heart and that is never going to change. I know I will never be able to stop loving her. I will love her until the day I die," I finished talking to the audience of Olivia's friends and family. 

I walked across the graveyard over to Olivia. She looked so peaceful. Almost as if she was sleeping, but I knew she wasn't. She would never wake up. She would never open her eyes. She would never laugh again. I looked at her body and laid a single red rose on top of her. I looked into her eyes one last time. 

"I love you baby. Never forget that. Melody loves you," I whisper to her. 

I bend over and kiss her forehead. When I bent over I dropped tears all over her. I walked away back to my seat. The Pasteur talked some more about how death is a part of life. He went on for a while but I stopped listening. I just looked over at Olivia and remembered her. I remembered her laugh, and her smile. I remembered all of the good times we had. 

Finally he stopped talking and they closed her casket. People walked up and put dirt on her casket. I watched as the dirt started to cover the coffin. I was frozen. I could not move. I sat there and watched every one leave. No one remained besides the grave diggers and I. They begun to cover Olivia's casket all of the way up. After that they too left. I was all alone. I just sat there and looked at her unmarked grave. 

"I love you Olivia. I love you," I whispered. Then I walked away.

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