Chapter 8: Comfort Me

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AN:: I am really sorry for the formating issues. So sorry I did not notice sooner. Thank you for your patiance.  

I walk out of the room as if I am drunk. I can’t walk straight. My head is pounding and I can hear Fitz’s words ringing in my ears. He hurt me. He actually hurt me. I have been telling myself that Fitz is a different person from his father for the past year. I guess I was wrong.

I know that I am a mess right now. My hair is in an uncurled tangled mess. My face is red from Fitz’s hand and coated in tears. I am not walking up right. I keep falling because my tears have blurred my vision. The mess I am on the outside is nothing compared to the mess I am inside. I want to just sit down and cry but I keep telling myself that I have to keep moving. I need to go somewhere where I am far away from my husband and his father. I make my way down stairs. By some miracle I don’t fall. I need to get out of this house. I dart right for the door. One of the maids stops me before I make it out.

“Oh my god! Mrs. Grant, are you alright?” she shrieks.

 “Yes, yes I’m fine,” I say as I stand up straight and wipe the tears off my face, “Can you please call my diver and have him bring the car up?”

“Yes of course ma’am, right away!” She responded as she ran off.

After a few minutes I see a black limo pull up to the front of the mansion.  Thank god, I don’t know how much longer I could wait in that house. I run outside to great the car.

I quickly hop into the back, “Olivia Pope’s apartment please.”

The drive felt like it lasted in eternity. I looked out the window and thought. Why was Big Jerry here? I really cannot deal with seeing him again. When I think the day can’t get any worse Fitz hit me. I can’t believe he actually hit me. He has never physically hurt me before and I never thought he would.  Who can I trust? Olivia. I can trust her. She loves me. She can help me.

The drive pulls up to Olivia’s apartment and says, “Would you like me to stay, or is there a time that you would like me to pick you up at?”

“It’s okay. I can find my own way home. And if it’s possible could you not tell anyone where I am?” I hopefully ask.

“I guess ma’am. You shouldn’t stay that long though, Mr. Grant will get worried,” he answered.

No, he won’t. He doesn’t care about me or where I am, I answer to myself.  I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and I made my way up to Olivia’s room. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later relief filled my body. “Melody, what happened? Are you okay? What is wrong?” she asked, her voice was full of concern. It warmed my heart to hear her concerned. No one has ever been genuinely concerned about me. She really cares that I am not okay and feel like I am broken. She wants to help me put the pieces back together.

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