Chapter 11: Whore

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"Oh crap! It's already eight," I said. Fitz would be waking up now and I did not want to answer a million questions about my wear-a-bouts. "What's wrong Melody?" Olivia asked. She had woken up before me but not dared to move. We fell asleep in each others arms and held each other all night. I hesitantly got up out of her arms, "Fitz," I say almost at a whisper. That one word is all I need to say to make her understand. "Okay, you do what you need to do," Olivia answered. I knew she did not like it that I was going back to him. I am pretty sure that the only reason she didn't stop me is because she did not want to get into a fight. 

I found a taxi to take me the five miles back to the governors mansion. When I walked through the door I closed the door behind me as quiet as possible. I ran up the stairs to my room hoping that by some miracle Fitz would still be sleeping. When I walked into our room I was pretty sure that he was sleeping. "Thank God," I thought in my head. However, my joy was short lived. "Where the hell were you?" Fitz snapped at me. "Oh hi. Sorry I did not mean to wake you up," I said avoiding the question. "You didn't. Now answer me. Where the hell were you last night? You didn't come home," he said. My heart was beating so fast. I was so nervous. I do not know what to say. I can't tell my husband that I spent the night at my lesbian lovers house. I don't think that would go over to well. "Out," I settle on saying. "Oh out. You were just out all night," Fitz says. He is talking really quiet but still harshly. I know he is not happy at all. "You are such a whore! I know you were out with a man! I know you are cheating on me! Do not lie!" He shouts angrily. I do not know what to say so I just start talking, "I was not with a man." It's like I am watching a movie of someone else. I feel like I am just a third party here. This can't be me. I don't have control of what I'm saying and everything is happening so fast. "Seriously. You are going to lie to me," Fitz says as he gets up from our bed. He walks over to me and we are very close together. I can feel his anger. "I am not lying," I strongly say. I most stay strong I tell myself. All of a sudden he grabs my shoulders. "I KNOW YOU ARE A WHORE! I KNOW IT! DO NOT LIE! YOU THINK I DO NOT KNOW WHAT GOES ON! MY FATHER TOLD ME THAT YOU CAME ON TO HIM! HE TOLD ME! THE SECRET IS OUT I KNOW YOUR A WHORE!!" he yells in my face as he violently shakes me. Now I really do not know what to say. Did Big Jerry really say that? How could he? I thought I was done crying, but I was wrong. Last night I promised myself that I would stay in one piece and not cry, but I failed to keep that promise. I felt the cold tears running down my eyes. How come life is so cruel? "I did NOT come on to that man," I manage to say. I tired to say it boldly but failed. This is so messed up. He raped me! I did not want this! I did not want him! Before I know it Fitz lets go of my arms throwing me to the floor. However, before I fall my head smases up against the dresser. 

As soon as I hit the ground I get up and run. I ran to the bathroom on the other side of the mansion. Once inside I locked to door. I looked at myself in the mirror. I did not recognize myself at all. There was blood driping down my face from where I hit my head, and my eye was black. Okay that's it I need to leave him. I will. It has to be done. I need to get away from this family. They have already taken my entire identity. 

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