Chapter 5: Just Smile

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I awoke to the warm sun against my face. I sat up and smiled remembering last night. It was the perfect night with the perfect woman. The silence of Fitz and my room did not last long. Cyrus came frantically running into the room. He slammed the door behind him with a loud bang. I jumped up and the harsh sound. He started to scream something about a Democrat. He was really loud I could barley hear what he was saying. During all of this racket Fitz did not even wake up. He is such a sound sleeper, it makes me so angry. Nothing wakes him up, not even my screams.

When I go down stairs I almost skip. I am just so happy, I cant help it. Everyone else is stressing out over the campaign, but I don't care anymore. I have spent to much time stressing and caring about this, I forgot to be happy. Olivia made me happy. She brought the joy back into my life. She made my worries melt away. When I was with her I forgot about the past. I just lived happily in the present. I sat down at the table across from Fitz "Good Morning" I said to him. Seeing him always brings me down, but I would not let that happen today. "Good, I would not expect to here you say that. All you care about is becoming First Lady and you saw the polls. The democrats are beating us badly." Fitz said with a snarky tone. He always makes me angry. I let it show for a second, then I smile again. I have mastered the fake smile. I have had it on my face for almost all of my life. I never let anyone know what I am really feeling, just like my mother taught me. "You are never going to be First Lady. We are not going to make it to the White House. The dream is over. We should just get a divorce and be done. Honestly Mellie, I know you do not care about me. You don't have to pretend anymore." Fitz continued. It broke my heart to think he actually thought this. "Fitz....I" I started to say when I was interrupted. "I doesn't matter," Fitz said as he walked out of the room. There are some times when it is impossible to put a fake smile on.

I do not want anyone to see me so I make my way to the bathroom. The walk seems to take forever. Once I am in the bathroom I close the door. I lean against in and sink down to my knees. I put my hands over my face and for the first time in forever I allowed my self to cry. I had kept it in for so long. I just sat there for God knows how long and let it all out. Fitz thinks I am dirt and do not care about him. He could not be more wrong. I have done nothing but fight for him. I have completely lost myself for him. I have lost everything for him. I have given my life for him. If it wasn't for him and his damn family I could have been happy. After a while I stood up and looked in the mirror. I got a tissue and wipped away my tears. I wipped away my saddness. I wipped away my pain. I wipped away my horrible memories.

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