Chapter 12:

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I walked out the door leaving the mansion behind me. I am free. At least I thought I was. Out of no where a hand reached out and grabbed my mouth. I started trying to hit who ever was responsible but they did not seem to mind. I was suddenly pushed face first onto the cold ground. I started to get up when I was kicked really hard in my stomach. I tried to fight back but it was useless. I was powerless against my attacker. This was not supposed to happen again. I was not going to allow another man to hurt me. I just need to see his face. I need to know who this is! I try to look but my face is met with his fist. I fall again. This time I do not even try to get up again. I do not have the strength physically or mentally. My body aches so bad. I felling harsh blows hit me. It seems to last forever. I am in so much pain. Things start to get blurry and I can barley see. Then my vision goes black and  I lose conciseness. 


White. All I see is white. "She needs a cat scan. Get her to room three! Hurry!" I hear a voice say. I could hear more talking but I could not make anything out. I am not sure what is happening. I can vaguely remember seeing grass and feeling immense pain. "Wwwhhhaattt ha happened?" I somehow managed to say. "You were attacked. Your injuries are pretty severe we are taking you up to got more tests now," a beautiful doctor informs me. Another person walks up to me, "Hello Mrs. Grant, I am Detective Young. I am here to help you. I need to know if you know who did this?" she says. I do not answer. I am frozen. What do I say? It had to be Fitz or Big Jerry. I do not think anyone else hates me that much. "Mellie, is it okay if I call you that?" I just nod my head in agreement and allow her to continue, "Okay, Mellie I know this is hard but you have to tell me what you remember. Anything at all could help me figure out who did this," she went on. I know she was trying to help me but I did not like her. How could she know this is hard? "It had to be him. No one else would do this," I say more to myself than to Detective Young. "Who is he?" she asked very confused. I thought for a while. I did not know if I should tell her. Neither of us are saying anything but the room is far from quiet. There are doctors running everywhere. People are crying and there is one lady screaming. After a few moments of not talking I opened my mouth. Nothing came out at first. I don't think I am ready to face this man, but I know I never will be. Why not go for it now? "Big Jerry, Fitz's father," I say quietly. At first I did not think she could hear me, but then she started writing. "Why would he hurt you? Has he hurt you before?" She tries to ask as a nurse walks up. "You need to stop asking her questions now. She needs to go get scans," a brunette man says as he starts to wheel me away. I am so grateful for this man. I did not want to answer anymore questions. I know that if I am going to accuse Big Jerry of this I have to admit to the rape. I do not know if I can do that. With Olivia it was easy, I love her. But telling a total stranger? I know she will judge me and think that I am weak. 

After I am done with all of these strange tests and scans the doctors bring me to my own room. Fitz and Big Jerry are both there waiting for me. "Mellie darling! Are you okay?" Fitz asks as they will wheel me in. I do not want to talk to him at all. I think the brunette nurse sees this. He started to speak, "I am sorry but Mrs. Grant needs her rest. She can not have visitors until later." Thank you I think. I like this guy. "But they said I could see her!" Fitz protests. "Well you have wrong information. Please leave," the nurse escorted my rapist and abuser out of the room. Before he left he mouthed "Your welcome." I chuckled and laid all of the way down. I was really tired. I was having such a bad day I wanted it to be over so bad. When I laid down I felt a sharp pain and I could hear alarms ringing. I was barley conscious when a bunch of doctors and nurses came running in. That is the last thing I remember when my word turned dark once more.

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