Chapter 10: Believe Me

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"I was betrayed by someone I trusted. I thought that they cared me, but it was a lie. This person, if you can call them a person, raped me. It happened. I was raped. I still cringe at the thought, but I am strong. I am not a rape victim, I am a survivor. I found a way to deal with it. I found a way to get up in the morning and not want to kill myself. However, I can't have this man living in my house. I can't have him walking my halls. I can't have him saying "Good Morning," to me every day. I can't be around him. I have had to be around him since he raped me. I want to scream then punch him in the face. Most of all I want to ask him why. He hurt me so badly. I don't know if my wounds will ever fully heal. When I see him I want to crawl out of my skin but he is unaffected. He does not acknowledge that anything has happened. It pisses me off so much how one night can break me but that same night can leave him perfectly fine. I am not even sure if he remembers what he did. If he does I know he doesn't care. I know he is cruel. I have accepted that, but my own husband. How could he hurt me? After he hit me he acted like it was the normal thing to do. I know that I did deserve it, but still. I did not see Fitz standing over me I saw his father," I announced with tears filling my eyes.

Olivia just looked at me for a minute and watched the tears stream down my face. "Melody, look me in the eyes.You. Did. Not. Deserve. This. None of it," she told me. I did as she said and looked into her eyes. I could see that she really believed that I did not deserve it. Everyone always says that when your husband hits you it is not your fault and you should leave him. I always thought that it was plain and simple. I never understood why someone would stay in an abusive relationship, but this is not the same. It sounds stupid to me to say that but its true. I am the exception. I am the one who deserved it.

"Olivia, I am sorry. I wish I could believe you, I really do. I know that is not true. I should not have provoked him. If I just told him the truth then he would not have hit me," I truthfully told her. "Honey, listen to me. You did not deserve this. That man needs to pay for what he did," Olivia continued. I know that we will never see eye to eye on this subject so I do not fight her anymore. "I can not allow you to go back to that house, at least not tonight. You can sleep in my bed," Olivia said. There was a small pause then she quickly added, "I will sleep on the couch of course." "No," I interrupted "Will you sleep in the bed with me?" It was an innocent question. I did not want to be alone that night. "Sure, anything you want Melody."

I have never slept so soundly in my life. I fell asleep in her arms. For the first time in a long time I did not have nightmares or trouble sleeping. When I was in her arms and we were holding each other I had never been more comfortable in my life. Fitz never made me feel safe. Being in Olivia's arms made all of my problems melt away.

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