Chapter 6: Hold Me

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I held my head up high and exited the room. I fixed my make up so it would not give away my tears. I could not let anyone know that I was crying. They would think that I am weak. Fitz would look down on me more than he does now. He thinks that I am a weak annoying bitch. I don't want to give him reasons to think that I am weaker. I know that it's true. I am weak. I could not protect myself that night and I can't protect myself now.

As I walked out of the room I fixed my dress. "Just walk Mellie. Put one foot in front of the other." I thought to myself. I looked up and to my surprise Olivia was walking down the hallway. "Melody, what's wrong?" she asked in a very considered voice. "Not here," I said. I don't want anyone to get suspicious. She pulls me into the bathroom. I did not expect this so I almost fell on my butt. "Why were you crying? I can see that your eyes are still red." Olivia said in a caring voice as she put her hand on my shoulder. "Fitz" I said in a low voice. "What did that son of a bitch do now?" Olivia questioned. "This morning at breakfast, he accused me of not caring about him or any of this. He is so wrong. If he knew the sacrifice I made for him." I said. I was still whispering but my voice grew tenser. "Melody, it breaks my heart to see you so upset. Talk to me about it. What sacrifices are you talking about? You can tell me anything." Olivia asked. Her voice was always so sweet. She is the only person I feel safe and comfortable around. I think if I should tell her. I need to tell someone. Surely she wouldn't tell anyone else. I just started talking, "Okay, I will tell you. It happened last year. I was talking to Fitz's father, Big Jerry, one night....." my voice trailed off for a minute. Why does this have to be so hard? I can trust Olivia I tell myself. It's okay. "He..." I pause again. I am so nervous. Will she think I am weak? Well, I am so it does not matter. Keep going Mellie, I tell myself. "He forced himself on me." I said at a whisper. Olivia does not talk for a second. It scares me. Will she still like me? Does she think that I am too damaged? Will she still talk to me? God damn it say something! It probably has only been like thirty seconds but it feels so long. I can't breathe. I can't move. "Melody, does anyone else know?" Olivia asked with a sad look. "No. You are the only one. You can't tell anyone. Ever." I said. I need her to keep my secret I need her to hug me and say that everything is going to be okay. "Melody, I am so sorry. That is so horrible." She stopped talking for a minute. She reached out and gave me a big hug. Somehow Olivia knew exactly what I needed. "I love you, Melody Grant. Nothing is going to chance that. Every think will be okay." Olivia whispered. I hugged her back. We stood there for a minute. "I love you too." I whispered back and I met it. This is the first time in my life that I have said those words and genuinely met it.

Our hug seemed to last a lifetime and I enjoyed every second of it. I could have stayed in her arms for the rest of time. I never wanted to be anywhere else. Olivia finally let go of me. She held me out in front of her and looked me in the eyes, "You are a strong, beautiful woman. You do not have to take this crap from Fitz. You deserve better. I will help you through this. You are not alone. Do you her me Melody, you are not alone." Olivia has no idea what her kind words mean to me. I have been waiting all of my life to hear those words. I have been alone my whole life; I need someone to be there for me. I can't do this alone anymore. Then we left the bathroom.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I keep thinking about what Olivia said. I wanted to talk to her again. I missed her so much even though it has only been a few hours since we talked. I walked down the hall looking for Olivia hoping to get another glance. I needed to get another look at her. When all of a sudden a voice stopped me and I could not move.

"Hello Mellie," those words brought a cold chill down my neck. The words repeated over and over again in my head. I would recognize that voice anywhere. "Do you really want me to stop?" I could hear him saying that again. I was frozen unable to move unable to talk. This man, no this monster had no right to talk to me. He... he raped me. I try to calm myself. "Everything will be okay. You are a strong woman. You can handle this. And for the first time you are not alone. Olivia will protect you." I thought to myself. "Hello Big Jerry," I say boldly.

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