Chapter 3

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Ever since Sam and I had our movie night about a week ago, we have not stopped texting back and forth. I was typing away on my phone when suddenly out of my hands and in Cara's.

"Dude! What is with you and taking my phone from me lately?" I say trying to grab it back.

She puts her hands on her hips, "I've been talking to you and you've been smiling like an idiot at you phone." She walks around the island and continues to cook the spaghetti she started on 25 minutes ago. "You know I'm not stupid. I know you're texting Sam. Since you two can't stop talking to each other, how about you invite him over for dinner tonight? I mean I am making me all famous spaghetti." she says as she looks at me over her shoulder.

I nod. "I'll ask him if I can have my phone back." I send her a glare.

"Oh yea. I forgot I had it." She says as she hands it back to me. "Oh! And tell Sam to bring Jake so I won't be the third wheel. Oh! It's gonna be a double date!" By then she was over excited and managed to fling the tomoato sauce on the spoon across the kitchen. 

"Cara! Stop spazzing out for like 3 seconds please? By the looks of it the sauce that was supposed to be in the spaghetti is now all over our kitchen," I say as I look around and see the tomoato sauce everywhere. "How about we just go eat somewhere?"

She stares at me for a moment then looks around, "Yea you're right. I'll start cleaning up and you need to go call Sam and tell him the plans."

I nod and walk into the living room while dialing Sam's number. After a few rings I hear,


"Hey Sam."

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"Me and Cara are going out for dinner and I'm calling to see if you and Jake would like to come with us?"

"Oh that sounds great. Hold on and I'll talk to Jake."

The line goes silent for a few seconds.

"Oh. And don't hang up."

I laugh and say that I won't. After a little while I hear his voice once again.

"Okay. Jake said he's in. We'll come pick you guys up in about and hour and a half. And we can decide where we're going once we get to your appartment. That sound good?"

"Yea. That sounds great. I'll see you then."

With that we both hung up and I walked back into the kitchen only to find no Cara in sight. "Cara? Where are you?"

I heard a thud and I see Cara appear on the other side on the island rubbing the top of her head. I instantly burst out in laughter. I try to speak but am unable to form a sentence because I'm doubled over holding my stomach laughing. After a minute or so I take a deep breath and say, "Are you okay?"

She looks over at me, "You know, you're supposed to make sure I'm okay first before you start laughing. And yes I'm okay. Now what did Sam say?"

"Sam said him and Jake are both in and they're gonna be here in an hour and a half to pick us up. We'll decide where we're gonna go when they get here."

 Cara tells me that it should be enough time to get ready. I walk into my room and decide to curl my hair today. I take my time and listen to random music that was on my phone. I also did my makeup trying to make sure that it was to perfection. Once I was finished with makeup I walked over to my closet and sighed while looking for something to wear. I decided to wear a bright blue dress that was fitted and ended a few inches about my knees. I just finished putting on my dress when I heard a knock at the front door. "Cara! Can you get the door? I'm almost done getting ready!"

She passed by my door and I heard her say, "Yea. Of course."

I walked over to my closet and slipped on my white heels. I walked over to my mirror and checked my makeup and hair once more and decided I was ready. I walked out my room and followed the voices to find my friends. I find them in the kitchen and as soon as I walk in I spot Sam. He's looking back at me. He's more staring than looking actually. I walk over to him and he instantly wraps me up in a hug and whispers, "You look absolutely beautiful." 

I blush and look down to try to hide it until Cara speaks up, "Scarlett? Are you blushing?" 

I push Cara lightly and try to change the subject, "So where are we going?"

Sam and Jake both said at the same time, "It's a suprise."

I looked at Cara and she just shrugged and Jake speaks up, "So are you girls ready to go?"

I look over at Sam and nod. We walk down to Jake's car and Jake and Cara sit in the front while me and Sam sit in the back. Jake was just really talking to Cara about a few of the people they met the night they went to the bar. Before I knew anything else I felt a hand intertwine their fingers with mine. I look over and I see Sam looking at me, studying my face. I smiled and squeezed his hand a little. He smiled back and resumed listening to Jake and Cara.


I stepped out of Jake's car and onto the street of our appartment I said a thank you for dinner. Cara stepped out the car and kept talking to Jake. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying because Sam and I had our own conversation going on through smiles and silly faces. Jake starts to get out the car and I look over at Cara and give her a confused look. "They're gonna come hang out for a little while. Is that not okay with you?" she questions.

I shake my head, "No no, it's fine. I just didn't hear you invite them in that's all."

We all walk up to Cara and I's appartment. Once we're inside the appartment, I look over at Sam, "Hey. Is it alright if I go change real quick? These heels and this dress are getting umcomfortable."

"Oh yea. That's perfectly fine. If I were you I'd be doing the same thing." He joked. 

"I'll only be a minute. While we go change just look at the movies and pick a few out."

I walked into my room and immediately took off my heels and dress and grabbed my black tank top and batman pajama pants. I put on the clothes and threw my hair in a bun in top of my head. I walked back out into the living room and sat down next to Sam. "So what movie are we watching?" I asked. 

Sam smiled and said, "Well since we didn't get to finish The Hangover last time, we're gonna watch it again." 

I started laughing but it soon stopped when I heard Cara yell from the kitchen, "Scarlett Rose Montgomery! Where the hell is my popcorn?"

My eyes got wide. I forgot I used the last of hers last time Same was here. I mentally facepalmed myself and replied, "Oh. Umm. I may or may not have used it the night you got drunk."

She sticks her head in the living room and sends me a glare, "You owe me big time Scar." Then she went back into the kitchen and yelled once more, "You're lucky I bought another pack cause if I hadn't, you and your batman pajamas would be going get some right now." I laughed and got up and grabbed my blanket. Sam looked at me and laughed.

"What? Why is it funny that I get cold?" I question 

He looks at me and says nothing but holds his hands up in innocence. "Mhmm. Well guess who isn't gonna share the blanket with me now?" I tease

"But but. No. Scareltt. Please? Share with me?" He pouts.

I smile and spread the blanket over the two of us as I scoot closer to him. Cara walked in and looked at us and winked at me. I shot her a glare and she laughed and sat down on the other side of me. I felt Sam's hand find mine again for the second time tonight. I smiled to myself and let myself look over at him. He was looking at me. I looked back at him trying to read his face. After a few moments he just looked back at the tv screen. I just turned and started watching the movie like everyone else. 

Soon after I started to feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. I layed my head on Sam's shoulder and closed my eyes.

I kept hearing voices. Voices that seemed very familiar. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I kept hearing them. I was too tired to care so I let myself fall back asleep.

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