Chapter 7

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The sliding doors of the airport opened and the hot, humid Louisiana air greeted me. I pulled my suitcase behind me to the curb of the pick up lane. If Jay still drives the same car as he did 4 years ago then it should be no problem spotting his car.

I looked to my right searching for my brother. No sign of him. I look to the left and see a couple that seems to have just been reunited. The girl is leaning into the guy and the guy looks very happy judging by the smile on his face. He has his arms wrapped around her as he kisses her forehead. I find myself wishing that I was the girl. 

The feeling of my phone going off in my pocket takes my attention from the couple and my thoughts. I set my overnight bag on the ground and snatched my phone from my pocket. 

Incoming call from Sam

I looked at the screen debating if I should tap the green button. I touched my screen sending the call to voice mail. I stared at my phone thinking of why I didn't answer. I have no reason to ignore him. I'm being awkward, but then again he did have some harsh words for me yesterday.

A red Carmaro stopped in front of me. I smiled as I locked my phone and slide it back into my pocket.  A tall guy with curly brown hair, a white t shirt and black jeans stepped out of the dirver's side. He came running around the car. The only person this could be was Jay. I smiled and engulfed my brother in a hug. After a few moments he pulled away holding the sides of my arms. "God, Scar. You look stunning."  

I let out a small laugh. "Yea well look at you Mr. Hot Guy." I teased back.

Jay looked down and shrugged his shoulders. "I know I know. It's so hard keeping the ladies off me."

I pushed his arm lightly. I then picked up my overnight bag as Jay grabbed my suitcase. He walked over to the trunk of his car and opened it. He set my suitcase in and I handed him my bag. He shut his trunk and hugged me once again. "Let's get going. I told mom I was going get me some food."

I nodded and walked to the passenger side of his car and hopped in. "Hey Jay? I gotta call my friend Cara really quick and tell her that I'm here. Okay?"

"Oh yea. Sure. Go ahead. It won't bother me."

I slide my phone out my pocket. I pressed the home button to show that I had 1 voice mail. I quickly called Cara's phone and waited for her to answer.


"Hey Cara. I made it home. Jay just picked me up at the airport."

"Oh thank God you're alive. I was so worried that someone kidnapped you in the airport or somewhere. You know there's crazy people out there."

I let out a laugh. "Yes. I am alive. I'm just letting you know that I'm here and safe."

"Good good. Umm. Hey Scarlett?"

"Yes?" I heard shuffling on the other line and a heard a deeper voice talking.

"Not to be getting in your business or anything but Sam said he's been trying to get in touch with you. He's worried that he's really hurt you."

"Tell him not to worry about it. I'm fine." 

"Scarlett seriously-"

"Look Cara. I have to go. I'll let you know when I find something out. Bye." I hang up and tap the number to listen to my voice mail. 

You have one unheard message. First unheard message: Umm hey Scarlett. It's Sam. I don't know when you land but when you do can you please call me? I really need to talk to you. And I know I was a total asshole earlier and I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean all of that. I just don't want you to be alone right now cause I know how- Sam's voice was cut off by the robotic voice of my voice mail. I hung up once again and sighed. 

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