Chapter 17

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It's been a few weeks and I still get flashbacks from that night. I again feel the ache in my chest. 

I swing my legs over the side of the bed. When my feet hit the cold hard wood floor, a shiver shoots through my body. I stand and wrap my arms around myself for warmth. Sounds of dishes come from behind my door, meaning someone is here. Quietly, I open my door. I peek my head out the door to see if I can spot who is in the kitchen. There's no dead give away on who it is. I walk into the living room and look around the wall. There stands my best friend with her hands in the sink, washing dishes. 

"Hey." I say softly as I lean against the door frame. 

Cara's head turn to face me. She sets the dish she's washing down and dries her hands on the towel that lies next to the sink. She leans her lower back against the counter. "Hey." She answers. "You okay?" She questions.

I lower my gaze and nod. I hear her again. "Are you lying?"

I feel my lip start to quiver and nod again as a tear slips down my face. Cara makes her way across the kitchen and tries to comfort me. She wraps her arms around me. I do the same and place my forehead on her shoulder. She rubs my back until I become quiet. She step back and looks at me as I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I nod again. This time Cara grabs my wrist and leads me to the living room. She sits down on the couch and I follow behind her. "Okay. Just talk. Talk about whatever you want. I'm here to listen."

I whisper, "He kept yelling at me. He blames me for the baby dying." As soon as the words leave my mouth, tears are sliding down my face again.

Again Cara pulls me into a hug. She has her hand on my back rubbing it softly while whispering 'shh' and 'it's okay'. I let out a shaky breath and squeeze my eyes closed. Cara let's her grip of me loosen and she stand up. "Hold on. I have something that might make you feel better."

I sit back and bring my feet up on the couch and hug my knees. Soon after Cara walks in with 2 pints of ice cream and 2 spoons. "Okay. So we have chocolate or oreo." 

I shake my head. "No thanks. I'm not hungry."

She sits down next to me again. "You don't want to watch a funny movie and eat ice cream?"

I shake my head as I stare blankly at the tv in front of me. "Oh. Well okay. We don't have to do that. Is there something else you want to do?"

I shrug. Cara rolls her eyes and smiles. "Oh c'mon. There has to be something you want to do?"

"Can we just go walk around and go to the coffee shop?"

"Of course. Anything you want to do." She smiles.

I look at her, "Hey Cara?" She looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "What time is it?"

Cara pulls her phone out her pocket and clicks the button bringing the black screen to life. "It is 5:27 in the afternoon."

I nod and stand. "I'll go change real quick then we can go."

Cara agrees and disappears into the kitchen as I walk back into my room. After looking through my closet, I just throw on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I slip on my red converse. I look in the mirror. The reflection shows a girl that I don't know. Under her eyes are dark circles and her eyes are bloodshot. After observing myself I throw my hair up into a high ponytail. I grab my coat and put it on as well. I walk into the kitchen to see Cara standing at the counter with her coat on, typing on her phone. She looks over her shoulder, "Ready?"

I nod. I start walking to the door when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I stop and pull my phone out. The screen shows I have an unread text message. Hey it's Dylan. I just wanted to tell you that my friend is having a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanna come and hang out for a bit? You're welcome to bring a few friends if you want. Just let me know. 

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