Chapter 18

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By the time Dylan and I make out way back downstairs, the party is in full swing. There's people everywhere and every single person has a red plastic cup in their hand. I turn around and say to Dylan, "I'm gonna go get something to drink."

He nods and walks into the living room as I walk into the kitchen. I see cups already fixed with alcohol. I pick one up and taste it. Instantly I know it's vodka and cherry. Satisfied, I walk back into the living room in search for my best friend. I spot her over on the couch sitting on Jake in the middle of a make out session. I turn back around and head to the balcony. Surprisingly when I get there, there's no one here. I shut the door behind me and lean against the railing.

I hear the door open and close behind me. I turn and see Dylan with a cup of his own in his hand. "Hey. I've been looking for you."

I smile. "Really?"

He smiles and nods as he joins my by the rail. He laughs and looks down. "I actually got a little nervous that you  had left."

"No. I wouldn't just leave. I went to talk to Cara but she was a tad busy with her boyfriend."

Dylan just laughs again and shakes his head.

"Oh c'mon. I'm being serious." I plead.

"I know. I'm just saying that most girls after not being in the comfort of having their friend close by would just leave."

I look at him and study his face. "You talk about it like it's happened before."

He looks back at me and smiles slightly. "It has but I mean if it's not meant to be then oh well."

I nod and at the same time we both say. "Things happen for a reason."

Dylan looks at me then looks away as if debating about something. As I watch him I take the last sip of my drink. He finally looks back at me and reaches out his hand. "Would you like more to drink?"

"Umm." I say as I look at my cup.

"C'mon. Relax a little. I'm sure you need it."

"Yea. You're right." I say as I hand him my cup

He smiles. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."


 When I had finally made my way back home it was close to 5 in the morning. Half way through the party Cara left without me knowing. This also left me to find a way home for myself since her and Jake were my ride home. At first I had tried to call a cab but it wouldn't show up for another hour or 2. After I made the phone call Dylan offered to give me a ride home. I agreed since I was so tired. 

I opened the door to his Range Rover and stepped out. "Thanks again for the ride home and for the invite to the party. I had a great time."

He grips the wheel with one hand as the other is resting on the console, "No problem at all. Just glad I could help."

I shut the door and start to walk to my door until I hear Dylan calling out my name. "Scarlett?"

"Yea?" I say as I turn around.

"Could I maybe take you out sometime? Like to dinner?"

I smile and nod. "Yea. I would like that."

I see Dylan smile and lean closer to the passenger window. "How about tomorrow? I can pick you up at 6?"

"That sounds great. I'll be ready for 6."

He smiles and he sits back in his seat, "Goodnight Scarlett."

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